

New Member
Can someone please tell me what kind of algea i have. It is a red slime looking algea. It is forming on the bottom of the substrate. I have a reef aq. Recently I lost all of my fish. The only thing I have left is live rock,two anemonies,a flower pot and a snowflake eel. Eck got my fish about 45 days ago.I plan to capture the eel and start over,unless you think it is safe to leave him in there. Does eck affect the eel ?
Thanks for all you do.

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like cyano bacteria...and it can be caused by lighting out of spectrum...poor water quality...lack of circulation...excessive feeding....I'd suggest a search for cyano here of the forums for a lot of useful info.


Active Member
Agree with NM Reef--possibly red slime aka cyno. Heres a thread that should help. It's long, but very informative. For the SFE--I heard they are more resistant to Ich. You may be safe leaving it in, but others will have their opinions. Again opinions are going to be mixed on keeping a SFE in a reef also---I removed mine, its your choice in the end. Good luck, HTH.