Search results

  1. nextel#1

    All black puffer fish

    i work at a lfs and we have gotten the all black puffer in and it is not to my knowledge in relations to the golden puffer which is my favorite fish. The black puffer comes from Hawaii and is referred to as the pearl black puffer as it's common name along with prolly 5 other ones. It is in the...
  2. nextel#1

    95 pentagon with works unbeleivable price

    im located in Orland Park Illinois. The eel is full grown to approx. 3 and a half feet. I can post pics of it within the next couple of days. I'm trying to help a buddy out with selling this so that is why there's a delay on answers. No one seems to like the tank. I will ask him to take pics of...
  3. nextel#1

    95 pentagon with works unbeleivable price

    I forgot to say that this tank is a pentagon.
  4. nextel#1

    95 pentagon with works unbeleivable price

    I have a 95 gallon clarity plus in oak with an aqua pro filter with an excalibur protein skimmer. I also have about 110 pounds of fiji live rock. I also have a Jbj 1/4 hp chiller. A 1800 gph pondmaster pump running it. accesories for the tank chemicals,nets, and such, I also have power compacts...