Does any one have a all black puffer fish? I just wanted to know if you all had any experience with them. Their is a 8 incher at my lfs that I might purchase after I get the 150g going. Is $200.00 a ok price or is that to much?
Could just be a nicely messed up mask puffer, but yea, get it if ya want. Sounds good. Yea, the melagris will change shape and colors. This one might eventually get spots, then slowly turn gold. ITs neat to study over time
I've seen one at my lfs a while ago. It's just a rare color mprph. It has pretty much the same care requirements as many other Arothron species. $200 does not sound too bad, but I know there is an online fishstore that has one for $119.
I agree with pufferman about the color morph. The price seems ok for that color. I'd make a decision soon those exotics don't come around a lot, at least where I'm from.
Yea, it may have been $119, but keep in mind that u would have to pay for shipping and such, and then acclimate it after it has been through all of that crap,but this one is already good an healthy, and the fish store payed for shipping, and they need to make a profit as well. Good deal id say.
i work at a lfs and we have gotten the all black puffer in and it is not to my knowledge in relations to the golden puffer which is my favorite fish. The black puffer comes from Hawaii and is referred to as the pearl black puffer as it's common name along with prolly 5 other ones. It is in the dogface family and when we had it we sold it for 150.
I thought the Gold Puffers were Arothron Meleagris??? They are from Hawaii. Fish stores call fish some weird names. They called a scopas tang at my lfs a kole tang, and they call clarkii clowns sebae clowns. HE11, conogre got a nice deal cuz his lfs thought that a rhinopias scorpion was a yellow angler. Watever though.
Originally posted by Liontamer
I thought the Gold Puffers were Arothron Meleagris??? They are from Hawaii. Fish stores call fish some weird names. They called a scopas tang at my lfs a kole tang, and they call clarkii clowns sebae clowns. HE11, conogre got a nice deal cuz his lfs thought that a rhinopias scorpion was a yellow angler. Watever though.
You are right about the Gold puffers... He is talking about Arothron nigropunctatus. Also known as the midnight puffer.
And I think that is an Ok price as long as it is eating and seems healthy.
I went to check on him today. He is still doing well. I worked out a deal with the owner for the black puffer and a 150g tank and stand for me design him a web site. I feed him some shrimp and squid yesterday. Hopefully he will be coming home soon!:happy: