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  1. ws4lif

    Sump vs Refugium...Can some one explain?

    But whats the point of the sumb...its just a big container right? Why not pump straight into fuge or skimmer?
  2. ws4lif

    Complaining Fred Meyers Construction!

    Your first problem is that you live in Salem.......I would suggest moving.
  3. ws4lif

    question for a 220

    sharks wont eat the smaller fish? Tangs, angles and butterflies can hurt a shark?????
  4. ws4lif

    Sump vs Refugium...Can some one explain?

    So do I put live sand in both the tank AND the Fuge or just the Fuge?
  5. ws4lif

    question for a 220

    Post pics of a bamboo in a tank please!
  6. ws4lif

    Most HARDY fish?? AKA WONT DIE

    Originally posted by Doncheecho Lion Fish are easy to take care of. I thought they required alot of time to teach them to feed and special food, and almost daily maintance.
  7. ws4lif

    Sump vs Refugium...Can some one explain?

    OK, So I'm trying to figure everything out for what I need to run a big system. Let me see if I got this straight.... So water out of the tank goes: --> SUMP -->Ozonizer -->Protein skimmer -->Refugium -->Tank Is this right? Why do I need a sump? And where does O2 get introduced? All from...
  8. ws4lif

    Most HARDY fish?? AKA WONT DIE

    What angels are the easiest to care for?
  9. ws4lif

    Most HARDY fish?? AKA WONT DIE

    I'd like a variety....and would love a lion fish...which don't do well with triggers....but maybe a lion is too much work.
  10. ws4lif

    Most HARDY fish?? AKA WONT DIE

    OK, I'm trying to deside what route I want to go with as far as livestock are concerned. Depending on what I pick, I'll tailer the equipment/tank around it. Tank size any where from 150-300 gallons. This will be my first SALTWATER tank. So I want fish that are going to be able to handle a...
  11. ws4lif

    lokking to buy reef equipt in pdx area

    Please email me the details of your 300 gallon setup: Mike