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  1. puffer26

    Fish question

    I currently have a 75 gallon salt tank, with a Porcupine Puffer (2 inches), a Niger Trigger (1.5 inches), a Picaso Trigger (inch), a Blue Damsel, and a Diamond Watchmens Goby. I was in the pet store yesterday and saw they had an Hawaaian Spotted Puffer (about the size of a quarter), a...
  2. puffer26


    can cycle be used with live sand? would the cycle bacteria interfer with the live sand bacteria?
  3. puffer26


    is it safe to use cycle with life sand?
  4. puffer26

    diamond head goby

    The Goby will shift through the sand only when he's hungry. If he's eating any of the food you feed your other fish then he won't bother with the sand. I have one and he'll try and eat brine shrimp and mysis shrimp when i feed my fish. He gets all mad when i don't give him any. So he just goes...
  5. puffer26


    Is it safe to do hypo in a tank that is fish only but has live sand in it? I've heard yes and i've heard no.
  6. puffer26

    ICH attack

    Is the hypo safe with a FO tank with live sand>?
  7. puffer26

    Going on vacation, fish have ick.

    Kick ICH doesnt' work at all. I've tried it for the past 2 weeks and no luck at all. I've talked to several salt water stores in the past two days and they all laughed at me for using it. It doesn't work, they said i just waisted 30 dollars on a bottle of water that makes your tank cloudy.
  8. puffer26

    ICH attack

    I have a 75 gallon salt water tank. It's been running for 2 months, and i've been using live sand. A few weeks ago i had boughten a Scooter Blenny to help clean up the tank. About a week later he died. Right after he died my tank was attacked with ich. Mainly my Porcupine Puffer. I went back to...