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  1. kfish27

    can tangs live together or not

    what about a yellow tang a regal blue tang and a powder blue tang in the same tank? 90 gallon
  2. kfish27

    Post pics of your 55 & 75 reef please

    how long is a 75 gallon?
  3. kfish27

    pics of 90 gallon or above reefs

    wow! nice
  4. kfish27

    pics of 90 gallon or above reefs

    If u have them post them i'd like to see some...
  5. kfish27

    can i put tangs in.....?

    Thanks for your help Thomas :)
  6. kfish27

    can i put tangs in.....?

    but would it be reasonable to have maybe just a yellow and a blue hippo tang in a 90?
  7. kfish27

    can i put tangs in.....?

    do u have any tangs in your 90 gallon?
  8. kfish27

    can i put tangs in.....?

    can i put tangs in a 90 gallon tank id like to get a... Blue Hippo Tang a Yellow Tang and maybe a Blonde Naso Tang and other small 1-3 inch fish would this be OK?
  9. kfish27

    do u name your fish?

    hey every1 i was wondering if u name your fish? if u do write the name of the fish and what u named it...
  10. kfish27

    a couple questions

    thanks guys, im from Winsted
  11. kfish27

    a couple questions

    dose umbrella coral grow out of live rock? or do u have to buy it? can u put a scooter blenny and a green madarin(spelling) goby in the sale tank without them fighting? could u put any kind of tang in a 45 gallon tank? what are some good fish recommened for a 45 gallon tank?
  12. kfish27

    newb question on clowns

    what kind of annomes can tomato clowns live in? thanks and would a hippo tang be alright in a 45 gallon