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  1. jackri

    Best youtube video I've ever seen.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Just wasted 40 seconds of my life..... If only I would have listened to Coral Keeper on this *sigh*
  2. jackri

    Your thoughts on reactors .. all of them

    Agree with aquaknight that a big clam will seriously drain your calcium :) One of the reasons I run a carbon/phosphate reactor is 1 -- it was like 35 bucks for the 2 stage reactor 2 -- great preventative measure should you have any kind of toxin on your hand (like dish soap or detergent) and...
  3. jackri


    I think you should know why they are killing them -- it's not to be inhumane but they aren't native to the area and are wiping out the native species. Hurricanes/etc have made it possible for these species to enter the local waters and populate taking food supply, habitat and are preying on...
  4. jackri

    Scooter Blenny dying

    They mostly eat copepods unless you are lucky enough to get them to eat mysis shrimp. Probably too late for him to learn to eat frozen foods at this point --- cool little fish though.
  5. jackri

    Which would be more beneficial?

    Originally Posted by meowzer post 13.....My suggestion was in place of a uv hahahaha...not a cure to ich.... Reread post 11 where it implies you suggest a cleaner shrimp replaces UV for getting rid of ich. Oh I forgot to LOL too
  6. jackri

    Why would my protein skimmer not be producing any bubbles?

    Yup I was thinking salt creep all along before getting to the suggestion --- really have to make sure it can suck air in to produce the micro bubbles.
  7. jackri

    Which would be more beneficial?

    Thinking a cleaner shrimp will remove or cure ich is wishful thinking as well. Ich has to go host free for at least 6 week. Sometimes a fish's own health can fight it off but doesn't mean they are cured. Fish can survive hypo -- thats it but ich doesn't affect inverts or corals.
  8. jackri

    Which would be more beneficial?

    Neither are needed but Protien Skimmer > UV.
  9. jackri


    Well can't I shake things up then? It wouldn't be my first job but I would take it over McDonalds as there is barely a difference in the product I'd be handling :D
  10. jackri


    ************** has videos on how it all works -- or search on youtube -- very informative.
  11. jackri

    Yellow Tang feeding

    I think you'll find your yellow tang to be a pig and eat just about anything you put in there -- but do offer it greens frequently to eat.
  12. jackri


    Originally Posted by meowzer In a way if I was him I'd be embarrassed...LOL...Imagine if he has kids.....HEY GUYS...that's my dad...he's a professional doggie pooper scooper OMG I'd be so embaressed my dad has a job and is willing to work. Just like a very attractive girl here cleaned toilets...
  13. jackri

    City Slickers

    Originally Posted by meowzer man I love this movie...... 19,000 posts and counting
  14. jackri

    Hippo Tang Problem, Help Anyone?

    The ich is still there fyi. Good Luck
  15. jackri

    New Phosban Reactor

    If it makes you feel any better I know of a 13 year old beautiful heavily stocked 120g reef tank that runs no skimmer or sump or media filter. Does a weekly water change with water that sits in crushed coral (the acid from the water eats at the substrate thus balancing the pH, alk and adds...
  16. jackri

    Hippo Tang Problem, Help Anyone?

    The size and condition of the fish I'd be nervous moving it around more than I needed and doing dips with such a small fish -- especially as they have a low survival rate to begin with. As cute as they are it's still best to buy them around the 3" size vs the small thumbnail size. Do what you...
  17. jackri

    SO Did I get a male and a female coral banded shrimp?????

    It's hard enough to tell if you know what you're looking for in person let alone the pictures. Unless they are in a big tank or bonded you may very well end up with one.
  18. jackri

    Yellow Tang Problem.Need advice on maybe changing the stocklist on a 220

    In general tangs don't get along with other same shaped tangs --- but in large groups they seem to do well in some of the larger aquariums.
  19. jackri

    Teen Sailor

    Our culture is really pretty closed minded compared to the rest of the world on what's accepted and what's not.
  20. jackri

    Teen Sailor

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ It has nothing to do with experiance in sailing. It has everything to do with age. At 16, she can not protect herself. you think just because she is on the water, she cant be kidnaped and or killed. what about pirates, and yes there are still modern day pirates...