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  1. mscoral21

    strings on snail

    I dont just started growing these strings out of it 15 strings..and then i found him laying at the bottom of the tank on his shell. I wish i knew what was wrong.
  2. mscoral21

    Post your aggressive tanks/ fish here!!!

    She is very very pretty.
  3. mscoral21


    I would kill to have a pair of them in my tank!
  4. mscoral21


    I dunno..someone emailed me with the pic!
  5. mscoral21

    Post your aggressive tanks/ fish here!!!

    What size tank do u keep that shark in?
  6. mscoral21

    strings on snail

    i dunno..but now hes dead...
  7. mscoral21


    whats ur email? Yea..thats what they said it was a hybrid clown! I dunno..Someone just sent it to me..Just give me ur email and i'll send it...Thanks
  8. mscoral21

    still podless

    the ones in my tank are copepods..they look exacally like that pic on that thread that u posted!
  9. mscoral21

    still podless

    oh..someone else posted..they said it was a pod..Im not sure :confused: . Just thought id help out and try to post one for her! Sorry!
  10. mscoral21


    Id like to have that fish!
  11. mscoral21


    thats good..have you ever seen a clownfish look like that?
  12. mscoral21

    still podless

    here ya go...borrowed from another thread!
  13. mscoral21


  14. mscoral21


    It wont let me post it...can i email it to you?
  15. mscoral21


    Can somebody make this picture 500x500?
  16. mscoral21

    Visi Jet PS?

    Alrighty..Im just gonna take it apart..I guess I'll just use the powerhead. Guess im gonna have to fork over some more money for a better skimmer! Oh well. Guess i cant skimp on the money when it comes to that! thanks!
  17. mscoral21

    Water Changes

    About how many gallons is 10% roughly? in a 55
  18. mscoral21

    still podless

    Thanks..good tip. Do damsels eat pods? I wasnt sure if my damsel was eating them or not.
  19. mscoral21

    strings on snail

    Hey guys...I just noticed there are like strings growing outta my snails shell. Only on one. whats going on and how do i get it off my poor snail?
  20. mscoral21

    still podless

    How do u keep the pods comming?