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  1. hhands361

    OT: Breast Cancer

    Yeah, my friend's mom had [hr] cancer a while ago and now she is fully recovered. Good idea.
  2. hhands361

    Some pics

    DfishH, yes i am sure it is called a scroll coral.
  3. hhands361

    Some pics

    My tank is almost a year old.
  4. hhands361

    Crushed coral or sand

    I would say either is fine. While sand has its good sides, so does CC. I have used CC since i started with reef tanks and have had no problems.
  5. hhands361

    Some pics

    Lastly, here os a pic of a fox that i am nursing haha from almost dead. My lfs gave it to me becuase the man there had given up on it, and i got it practically dead, and it is SLOWLY comming back to life.
  6. hhands361

    Some pics

  7. hhands361

    Some pics

    Heres a whole tank shot.
  8. hhands361

    seeking confirmation of brown stuff

    annoying diatoms
  9. hhands361

    Acro doing good?

    Jeez, is that a huge aiptasia back there? plus, there sure is a bunch of hair algae...
  10. hhands361

    Some pics

    oh yeah and michael, the sponge is safe now haha
  11. hhands361

    Some pics

    Okay everyone. Yes, all of those corals are living under those lights and everything is doing fine. You are right, i checked and it is a gonipora, and it isn't open because i just had acclimated it. Even today, 2 days after that picture, you can see much change, and the polyps are extending more...
  12. hhands361

    Some pics

    now that i look at that first coral im not so sure about it. Someone please i need a correct id!
  13. hhands361

    selling reef tank

    How far away is Rochester from Philly? Would you be interested in shipping the corals a very short distance? Otherwise don't worry about it. Tank established 1 year, haven't lost a single fish or coral! 200 watts of PC.
  14. hhands361

    Some pics

    thanks for the advice Michael, i had heard about placing the sponge, but he was there becuase i just got him and i wanted o feed him once, but i will be sure to move him, and that first pic, im actually not sure what it is, but i think youre right in saying that it is an alvepora. The LFS didn't...
  15. hhands361

    Some pics

    last - my semi-new fairy wrasse.
  16. hhands361

    Some pics

    almost done; my 7 month old LTA, also grown so much
  17. hhands361

    Some pics

    next - my 6 month old colt that has more than tripled in size, i got it when it was baby sized, now look.
  18. hhands361

    Some pics

    next one; scroll
  19. hhands361

    Some pics

  20. hhands361

    Some pics

    Here are some pics of new corals/sponges/old corals/new fish...haha Any comments/suggestions?