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  1. jbirdsnest

    Full Aquarium Shots....

    This is a picture of my 30g.
  2. jbirdsnest

    What kind of clam is this?

    a nice one.
  3. jbirdsnest

    Jam out with my clam out!

    Thanks all for the possitive remarks. As for the green acro, it is not bleached but has started new growth that starts white and will color up. That entire left branch has grown in 2 months. What baffled me is why it began to grow horizontally like that while none of the other branches have...
  4. jbirdsnest

    New member

    Originally Posted by AQUAPOD 24 new pictures would be great but i would not considered it a nano lol. Nice tank though No new pics yet but I will shortly. Tank is only 30g but I have had multiple people tell me it seems much larger.
  5. jbirdsnest

    Something Eating My Candy Cane?

    To me it looks better in the second pic. Maybe it is the lighting but the flesh seems more inflated. Any of those suspects you listed could be the culprit, they would all pick at dying or unhealthy tissue. I've found my candy cane to be really resilient so I have no doubts yours can rebound.
  6. jbirdsnest

    My peppermint shrimp ate my hammer coral!!!

    Shrimp are scavengers and can find a taste for anything. I had 5 peps, 2 were fine but the other three would eat just about anything. I witnessed one going to town on a head of hammer coral, just like he was a buzzsaw. Got to more acan heads than they were worth. It was a big headache to...
  7. jbirdsnest

    Jam out with my clam out!

  8. jbirdsnest

    New member

    Roughly 2 months along. Some time in May I would guess. This is a more recent pic, less than a month old.
  9. jbirdsnest

    New member

    This is an older picture and I apologize for the mag float but I wanted to start a thread in hopes it would get me motivated to get some updated pics. initial set up, March '09.
  10. jbirdsnest

    MattyJatz's 37G Eclipse SW Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 This is a sweet thread Matt. Your tank is still colonizing new bacteria and algea, so its a good thing that the sand bed it gaining some color. Only three months and your off to a killer start. I'll barter some frags for your picture taking abilities, if you...