Search results

  1. dedwards

    holy ammonia spike

    How did you acclimate? Did you put any of the water in the bag from the LFS into your tank?
  2. dedwards

    Moon Lights?

    Here are some that I made with 4-3mm LED's - 5900mcd. Very bright lights and costed under $10 to make.
  3. dedwards

    Porcipine Puffer Diet

    I heard that feeding with the lights off helps. Wait about 30min after lights out and then try.
  4. dedwards

    tap water?

    Hell I would be happy to have some algae to look at. Getting bored with a cycling
  5. dedwards


    A game that charges $50 to buy and then wants an additional $20/month to play is a POS. Plain & simple. They are jumping on the bandwagon of every other MassMultiPlayer and wanting the customer to pay for all of the expenses. Rebel against the new wave of games. Before long there won't be...
  6. dedwards

    55Gal Setup for Sale, Cary, NC

    If you part out I would be interested in the Jebo lighting email:
  7. dedwards

    Help curing southdown.

    When I said rinse i was referring to the Southdown sand. You want to rinse it off otherwise you will get dust and debris in your tank and it will take forever for it to settle. I tried the playsand idea without rinsing and it was a complete mess. BTW: Don't rinse your live sand...:D
  8. dedwards

    Help curing southdown.

    Rinse & repeat then pour in tank....:D
  9. dedwards

    Adding new Live rock to existing tank HURRY!

    HOw much rock are you adding?
  10. dedwards

    Tank Size and Clownfish =)

    If it helps you any, I have just started a 20 gallon (30"x12"x12") and plan on adding a clown once I start stocking it.
  11. dedwards

    looking foward to this????

    Saltymom...Good to see some more Indiana-ians here. I'm from Lafayette...few hours northwest of ya. Congrats on the houses everyone. They should be done building ours in Feb. just in time for the good-ol Feb snow.
  12. dedwards

    Cat Wanted. The Cat/tank Conundrum. Your Advise Please.

    I swear one of my cats has an interal clock that goes off at 3am everynight. He comes on the bed, sometimes with toys, and does everything he can to wake us up. Somehow he knows when it's the weekend cuz on Sat & Sun it doesn't start until 7am.
  13. dedwards

    Pics Of Black Sand!!!!!!

    Do a quick search using "black AND sand" or "Tahitian" and you should get some good results. I was looking at using the Tahitian black sand but it isn't very friendly towards burrowing fish.
  14. dedwards

    Digital or SLR 35mm?

    I haven't used my 35mm since getting the DSLR's. What I love about the DSLR's is that you get the flexibility of using multiple lenses and still have the digital benifits. You can change your iso settings on the fly as well as white balance and exposure compensations. The only draw back is...
  15. dedwards

    Digital or SLR 35mm?

    $0 development costs, quicker turn-around on photos, easier to proof and do corrections, instant preview to see if someone blinked or made a weird face. honestly I could probably go on all :D
  16. dedwards

    OK I feel like a tard now...

    The package doesn't say anything other than Play Sand and the cubic feet. It was a generic Ace Brand so I think my best bet is to syphon it out and start over. Atleast this is only a $50 mistake with substrate instead of killing off live
  17. dedwards

    OK I feel like a tard now...

    Any good way to keep the sand from creating another storm when i turn my powerheads back on? I purchased the smallest particle size that they had thinking that it would be better. I moved just a little bit of LS last night and it was like a storm went off. I could see the cloud move through...
  18. dedwards

    OK I feel like a tard now...

    Thanks Trigger. I did a search on the forums but couldn't find a quick answer. I will wait it out. I put the sand in after I had the water in so pouring the water in a bowl wouldn't have mattered too much. But good idea, I used to do that in my FW tanks so it didn't disturb the gravel and...
  19. dedwards

    OK I feel like a tard now...

    Does it normally foam on top of the tank? It created a layer of foam as well. When I dumped the LS in the tank it did cloud but no where near like this did. Which got me questioning if this sand will even work. Yes I believe some of the play sand did cover the LS a bit. Not sure what my...
  20. dedwards

    OK I feel like a tard now...

    Ok some of you may know that I am new to this hobby and I just set up my tank. I had a 20 gallon tank with 20# of LS and 6# of LR so livestock yet. I only had about an inch of sand and thought that I would go out and get some cheap play sand at Home Depot. Well I ended up at Ace...