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  1. kevin34

    28g JBJ HQI Nanocube

    ok thanks. wow nano section gets some quick responses haha. I have noticed this section and the aquriums are the only 2 places getting any attention since the whole auction thing
  2. kevin34

    28g JBJ HQI Nanocube

    just wondering if anyone has this tank. Is it any good? I am looking into possibly getting a nano and this one was first on my list.
  3. kevin34

    Need help finding a 72in fixture for my 220

    ever thought about a retro fit?
  4. kevin34

    Can Acros Be Exposed To Air???

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 haha limpitsreef is in my reefsociety hes a cool guy what...?
  5. kevin34

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Originally Posted by DeMartini lol thanks! shipping's gonna suck big time! ya the shipping would be brutal. i guess it'll have to be a good trade haha. maybe i will have a few frags worthy of your tank by spring lol.
  6. kevin34

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Originally Posted by DeMartini I think I saw your clown, but I'll look again lol lauren we gotta trade sometime. maybe next spring...even though we are on complete oppisite sides of the country... your corals are amazing
  7. kevin34

    Is this weird for a cat?

    i have one cat that eats anything. even walked in on him eating a piece of chocolate cake once
  8. kevin34

    update on Rainbows.

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 your really getting into acans arn't you...go to r2..and trade zoas for acans I bet you could get some really sweet acans!!! there are 14 rainbow frags in this pic and you notice how many acans he has? Flric those are sweet! if there are any leftovers after...
  9. kevin34


    ya these arnt blue. thats just how bad my camera is. they actually look like this (not my pic)
  10. kevin34


    my new mohawks. pics are awful. ever since i got my new lights my camera can only pick up the color blue
  11. kevin34

    What song moves you?

    When The Levee Breaks- Led Zeppelin been playing it on the drums for the past week. cant get enough of that song
  12. kevin34

    Something Wrong With Zoas?

    I recently got a few zoa frags in a trade. one frag is doing great, one didnt make it, and the other 3 frags have been opening a little bit each day. One frag I can see the colors coming through when it starts to open so I think it will be ok. the other 2 frags are GPE and PPE and when they open...
  13. kevin34

    Kevin's Tank!!!

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 dude????? Still no pics okay post pics of the zoas you got, fts, and your other corals you've had :D i posted pics of the mohawks i got. thats all that has fully opened so far
  14. kevin34

    Spankey's 75g Reef Tank.....

    Originally Posted by spankey I am actually ashamed to post this but to give everyone an idea, this is what my tank looked like two months ago when it partially crashed. Allot of hard work and attention made it come around again! Two months ago. what caused this?
  15. kevin34

    Can Acros Be Exposed To Air???

    can anyone tell me how bad they smell? haha I havnt heard good things. I have heard people say that all SPS stink but I have a monticap and that gave off no odor. Is it just acros?
  16. kevin34

    Can Acros Be Exposed To Air???

    so being out of the water occasionally is actually good for them?
  17. kevin34

    What song moves you?

    blue veins by the raconteurs. amazing song. if anyone likes the blues i highly recommend watching this.
  18. kevin34

    Can Acros Be Exposed To Air???

    ya i have seen that video. dont know why I didnt remember it haha thanks guys
  19. kevin34

    Can Acros Be Exposed To Air???

    Just wondering because during a water change my aquascaping doesnt stay submerged. I do plan on getting acros and placing them up high in the tank. Will it kill them to be exposed to air during a water change?
  20. kevin34


    Originally Posted by Mimzy who mentioned sour patch kids??? who did it?? i'll find you!! i will weed you out!!! don't mention those around me!! i'll go into an insane obsessive frenzy!!!! i've burned the inside of my mouth on those things. i've had bleeding sores from them and still i go...