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  1. addicted2

    call me exited, but...

    oh yeah! by the way! the RO unit you will love! I added a Di unit to mine and I couldn't be more happy! The convenience is way better than hauling water!
  2. addicted2

    call me exited, but...

    hello! I haven't been here in awhile and was catching up on posts...looks like you're well on your way to owning your own pony or two ...or three.. glad things are going as you planned. I posted a few new pics of my is coming along nicely too...The only complaint I have is running out...
  3. addicted2

    change title of thread???

    anyone know if you can change the title of an old thread???
  4. addicted2

    Lazy's 125 Pics n Stuff

    wow...very nice.
  5. addicted2

    Pictures of our 75 gallon reef.

    nice corals. nice tank.
  6. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    can't decide if I should scrape the back or not..kinda looks natural with the algae spots..hmmm...
  7. addicted2

    First jumper! now covered in cat hair!!help!

    I have my tank covered and I also have lost a couple fish to the art of *carpet surfing It amazes me how they can jump through 1/2 inch openings.. I swear they must practice. or I have really bad luck. you should probably try and cover yours..eggcrate it or something. can't hurt.
  8. addicted2

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Originally Posted by azfishgal (I'm really sad some of my favorite smilies are gone. ) NO MORE HAULING WATER!!!!! This was my mother's day gift to myself. I'll have to just use it on my kitchen counter when I need more water for now, until my hubby can hook it up to the water heater line...
  9. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy I am now using phosban and not using chemicals either. And I onyl have one fish i my 55 right now and ocellaris clownfish. So I know im not overfeeding it. I feed once every 2 days and sometimes I forget and dnt feed him for 3 days. Idk... Algea sucks...
  10. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by Si12iuS Wow I like your tang alot. I want one now! lol... how is it? yes..I love it too..Periscopas! he is really a nice fish! I always liked the coloring of the scopas tangs and finally got one. They get overlooked alot because of the color but I like it. He has a good...
  11. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy First time seeing this thread. I love the aquascaping in your tank. Your tank is really looking nice. I am now having an algea battle myself.. Thankyou for the compliment..I love it too! I really am pleased how it all fit together, I had the rock for...
  12. addicted2

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    Here are a few new pics of my tank. I have had a few battles with algae but am's been daunting to say the least..but I am persistent and I have fish don't need to eat their weight in food everyday!. Full view 5/21/07 left side right side
  13. addicted2

    best book for corals??

    anyone have any suggestions on a good book for the care of corals and anemones???? ***)
  14. addicted2

    please help!!anyone ever catch a mantis!!!

    I have not seen a mantis but I am only guessing this is why a few of my fish have completely disappeared in little over about 2 week's time :scared: . I have recently "lost" a watchman goby that I had for almost 2 years, a jawfish, a lawnmower blennie, and a clown goby . I have seen no trace of...
  15. addicted2

    please help!!anyone ever catch a mantis!!!

    has anyone tried these with success?
  16. addicted2

    please help!!anyone ever catch a mantis!!!

    :mad: I think i might have one of these buggers!! anyone been successful? if'd ya do it? please help!!!! :scared:
  17. addicted2

    Coralife Pure-Flo II

    I have it and I do like was easy to set up and does a great job. I added the seperate add on DI canister too..I figured why can't have water that is too clean if ya know what I mean.
  18. addicted2

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    did you use alot of solomon island rock? looks really nice! I used alot of that in my tank as well..
  19. addicted2

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    wow ..very nice..looks very clean. Did you happen to have a bad algae/diatom breakout at any time...??? I am battling that as we is drivng me crazy! I can't stand my tank loking so dirty!
  20. addicted2

    Where are my pods!!!???

    ok..I have seen them in the past..but now I don't. My tank is 3 months old..I have a sump/fuge with chaeto that is growing great..where could they possibly be? I don't have a mandarin..I want one..but waiting for the pods! I even have added pagkage pods ..jeeze.