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  1. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

  2. tr1gger

    All corals must go - 30 miles West of Cleveland

    Sent PM's no responses
  3. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

  4. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

    PM Sent
  5. tr1gger

    Hand Preperation

    No i have never lost anything, i just wondered cause i saw a thread about someone having lotion on their hands and wondering why they lost some live stock. I always make sure i do whats best for the tank.
  6. tr1gger

    How do you browse the forums?

    Well depending on the forum skin, the default skin has a "New Post" link that shows all new posts
  7. tr1gger

    Hand Preperation

    I just worry about whats on my hands. I work all day long with diesel, motor oil, grease, oil dry etc. I wish there was some kind of hand prep someone sold to neutralize your hands before messing with a tank.
  8. tr1gger

    links to every fragging thread I can find

    I vote for a sticky, Great Collage of very useful links
  9. tr1gger


    Thats Awesome! I wanna see some pics
  10. tr1gger

    How do you browse the forums?

    I just use the "new post's" feature. Does everyone do the same thing or are you always finding yourself in a certain section?
  11. tr1gger

    Hand Preperation

    Does anyone prepare their hands before entering your reef tank. I always rinse my hands in RO water with no soap or anything of that nature. I'm always so scared they maybe something on my hands that will contaminate my tank. Does anyone else use anything or prepare a different way?
  12. tr1gger

    green star polyps for sale

    Can i please get some pictures
  13. tr1gger

    which superglue??

    Originally Posted by rs1831 I use the gel and I haven't had any problems. +1 Originally Posted by reefkprZ post the back label. +1 Gel is by far your best bet
  14. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

    $90 A Head seems expensive
  15. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

  16. tr1gger

    Selling the whole tank

    Crap you sold it all
  17. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

    Originally Posted by tr1gger I want a nice sized coral not just a frag.
  18. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

    I dont care where it is i will pay for shipping. I want a nice sized coral not just a frag. Looking for someone who got one and doesnt or cant take care of it anymore. Please please please help me get this coral
  19. tr1gger shipping

    Make sure you RE cure the rock before adding it to yer tank