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  1. tr1gger shipping

    Yay for fish sitting on the porch
  2. tr1gger

    Google Chrome

    Just got it myself and i really like it. I just dont see myself replacing firefox 3 though
  3. tr1gger shipping

    Could someone tell me if I buy rock, or sand how long does it take to ship?? LR and LS is shipped ground service unless specified diffrently. LRis not submerged in water so there will be die off. LS im sure comes in bags with some water in them just as you see in the LFS If you buy fish how long...
  4. tr1gger

    Pagoda Corals

    Crap! I would of never gotten this guy then. He did so well for the first 3 days.. I read they were very hardy ? Btw Under PC Lighting Dual Daylight 6,700k/10,000k : 2 x 65 watt Dual Actinic 420nm/460nm : 2 x 65 watt Lunar Light Moon White : 2 Dimensions : 48.25" x 7.25" x 2.5" Total Watts ...
  5. tr1gger

    Linkin Park

    I like minutes to midnight, but i lost alot of love for them when they teamed up with that one rapper. I had hybrid theory like 2 weeks prior to its Halloween release, have loved them since. Lost alot of love during that Team up with that rapper
  6. tr1gger

    Pagoda Corals

    In my 90g i have this guy about 4 inches off the substrate on a nice peice or LR I have since discovered that all the heads have closed and its starting to turn white. I dont know much about this coral other than low to medium lighting and medium flow. I have all that but is this guy getting to...
  7. tr1gger

    Coral Id

    Originally Posted by Jaymz machete
  8. tr1gger

    Live Rock, Live Sand & Cheato For Sale

    location also would be super sweet
  9. tr1gger

    Coral Id

    Xenia, unsure of fragging techniques.
  10. tr1gger

    Frag Tank Lighting

    Bump any more suggestions or examples ?
  11. tr1gger

    QT Help

    In my experience with tank water from your DT you shouldn't have a cycle as long as you leave the LR and LS out. Oh and dont forget to make something the fish can hide in like a piece of drilled PVC pipe or something to that nature.
  12. tr1gger

    Frag Tank Lighting

    Oh looks great! my frag rack is similar to that except no second tier and its a 3 legged support so it wont bow :) I see why you recommended that light. I should start a frag tank build thread
  13. tr1gger

    Frag Tank Lighting

    Originally Posted by rs1831 I would go with t-5's. Current sundials are a good unit for a 20 long. I will look into that thanks
  14. tr1gger

    Frag Tank Lighting

    Well i finally started a NEW frag tank, 20g long 30x12x12. I painted the back and the bottom black today and made all my racks. The Question of this thread is what kind of lighting would be recommended for this tank. ATM my corals are Xenias, Zoo's, Pagoda Cups, and Mushrooms. Soon to have some...
  15. tr1gger

    Flame Scallop's

    What are the goods and the bads of these often forgotten creatures ? Anyone with experience ?
  16. tr1gger

    Whats a good starter coral

    Originally Posted by fatcats Hey everyone. I was wondering what is a good coral to start with. I have a 95gal tank that has been a FOWLR for the past two years with a tang, some chromis, and a pair of clownfish. I have a good skimmer and good water movement. I just ordered a MH lighting system...
  17. tr1gger

    WTB: Local Frags & Live Rock IN it was 2 posts above ya :)