Search results

  1. slothy

    Southdown in Michigan?

    kalamazoo.. i cant remember the name thought :( Lou_brakant from this board bought some, try to get his attention.. he will know the name
  2. slothy

    Best Book of Corals

    ill 2nd the Julian Sprung's "Corals, A Quick Reference Guide", good book to bring with you when looking to buy corals, nice lil quick guide of placement/lighting/general care
  3. slothy

    Here Are The Pics (hope This Works)

    WOW !! :eek: :eek: :eek: i thought my old 90 was cool in the wall... what was done to the flooring to support that ?
  4. slothy

    Florecent VS PC

    email ryebread, he did a VHO set for his eclipse setup
  5. slothy

    reef aquatic landscapers advice needed

    and bang guy special orange ric's
  6. slothy

    reef aquatic landscapers advice needed

    my green ric's
  7. slothy

    Lower Watt MH

    what is your lighting now , and what are you planning/currently keeping in the tank ?
  8. slothy

    can anyone pet there fish

    my old oscar and albino channel cat let me pet them, hand feed it.. my decorator crabs and skunks walk right into my hands with open claws looking for food. (they get hand feed every other day).. MY clown i can hand feed.. but to small to pet lol
  9. slothy

    Anyone have a boxing crab?

    Lybia tessellata ? aka pom pom crab
  10. slothy

    these pics dont do this setup justice

    I think I’m going to have to have a lil talk with DillPickleBread about you hahahah...
  11. slothy

    Our E-Bay Scammer

    haha and his feedback is now private !
  12. slothy

    Center braces and MH heat?

    1" away ? so the bulb is about 2 inches away from the water ? BAD IDEA !! (if thats the case) ... reasons being, #1 heat (lots of it) AND #2 water splashing on bulb.. I would have it a min. of 6-8" from water line
  13. slothy

    Mag drive 700 pump

    im using a mag 7 in my sump... the are great pumps.. i know some people had have some probs with the older versions of the mag 7, but ive haad mine for about 4-5 months without any probs
  14. slothy

    Moody Gardens Aquarium

    nice pics !!
  15. slothy

    ot: best dig. video camera?

    stick with sony's line (miniDV or dig 8).. prob the best steady shot on the market.. i own a sony trv-27 (miniDV) and love it all depends on how much your looking to spend
  16. slothy

    some cool pics of my tank

    the frogspawn doest sting the crap outa the brain ? seems that they are lil to close close for comfort
  17. slothy

    how do you tell teh diffeernce???
  18. slothy

    I am an Idiot.

    hahahaha that will teach ya !!!
  19. slothy

    After the crash- pic and suggestions

    Originally posted by JustinL - I know that my emerald crab went nuts and ate the leg off of the starfish are you sure he did (i find that hard to believe a emerald did that) ? The water may have been bad enough to stress the starfish and it lost a leg, in which the emerald picked up ?