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  1. dt

    Sick fish

    I did also move my rock around, before putting in the new fish. When i picked the damsel off the bottom it just swam weak on one side of itself... is it possible It could have been hurt badly enough by hitting rock that it did this to it???? Anyone have an idea....?
  2. dt

    Sick fish

    The temp is 79 F ... Sorry
  3. dt

    Sick fish

    The Clarkii was put in the same time the damels got sick. I just did a water change 5 days ago. This is what I have come up with for the water. Salinity - 1.245 Amonia - 0 Nitrites - 0 Temp - 9
  4. dt

    Sick fish

    I have had these two domino damsels for about a year now. Is that the average span of their life? I have one that is sitting at the bottom of the tank not moving.. only breathing.. the other damsel I have and clown seem to be just fine. I just added a Clarkii clown and I am worried if something...
  5. dt

    columbus, OH anyone?

    I am close enough.. I love outside of London... 30mins away form Columbus , and my girl lives in Columbus.
  6. dt

    Attacked Fish

    ok , i will try to take him out I moved everythihng before i put him in , i will take him out and try again. hope that works. Thanks! :scared:
  7. dt

    Attacked Fish

    I just bought a Chromis today , and one of my Domino damsels will not leave it alone... will he get over this terriory deal? Or is this situation never going to get better? :notsure:
  8. dt

    9 hours?

    The tank is not new, its been up for about 8 months.
  9. dt

    9 hours?

    Is nine hours a day for my light to be on too much , I still get brown algea so I am guessing its too long?
  10. dt

    Feeding snails

    K, thanks!
  11. dt

    Feeding snails

    Wont damsels and clowns eat everything is sight though? Will they even let anything fall to the bottom? :notsure:
  12. dt

    Feeding snails

    Thank you very much.. I got 5 Nassarius snails and 5 Trochus today. My LFS was out of turbos so wasn't able to get any of them yet. I will be back there to claim some soon though. :jumping:
  13. dt

    Feeding snails

    I have another question that is related to my last one. What and how do you go about feeding snails? do they just provide for themselves? What about crabs? - Thanks :notsure:
  14. dt


    Thanks everyone!!
  15. dt


    Thanks a lot! Would anyone also know if it is a good idea to introduce snails into the tank via the drip method? ***)
  16. dt

    UV Sterilizer????

    This may be somthing you would want to ask in a different board. with more experience, try it in fish discussion and see wht you get.
  17. dt


    Like Mexican Turbos?
  18. dt


    Ok, I have cycled a 20 gal. tank now for some time. about 4 months.. that is with no fish, only live sand and rock. I wanting to start with some tank breed fish (tom. clowns and damsels, I think domino) I know I need snails and that sort of thing. But I do not know much about them. I have 20...