Sick fish


New Member
I have had these two domino damsels for about a year now. Is that the average span of their life? I have one that is sitting at the bottom of the tank not moving.. only breathing.. the other damsel I have and clown seem to be just fine. I just added a Clarkii clown and I am worried if something is wrong with the tank that eveything I have will die. I am getting ready to test the water... does anyone have any advise?


Active Member
do the water test then a water change, remove the fish if it is dead. Clarki Clowns are very aggressive from what I have observed what size is the tank?


New Member
The Clarkii was put in the same time the damels got sick. I just did a water change 5 days ago.
This is what I have come up with for the water.
Salinity - 1.245
Amonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Temp - 9


New Member
I did also move my rock around, before putting in the new fish. When i picked the damsel off the bottom it just swam weak on one side of itself... is it possible It could have been hurt badly enough by hitting rock that it did this to it????
Anyone have an idea....?