Search results

  1. leopard_babe

    Critical thinking

    i used to have a scotter blenny. I read that they eat pods. i supported him for 5 months, and he got a disease and died. If I can support a scooter blenny in there could I support an mandarin or no. In theory if I can support a scooter blenny, couldn't I support a mandarin? Currently I have...
  2. leopard_babe

    More algea

    No i don't have a phosphate test kit. I can't find any around here. I only use Ro/di water from a LFS. They have a reliable water source. Rye you are an awesome photographer. I was just doing some picture searching. thanks Leopard
  3. leopard_babe

    Horse shoe crab

    I guess that when yu are trying to help others it would help to read the question fully.
  4. leopard_babe

    More algea

    I know that there are alot of threads about hair algea. I cleaned off my live rock. I am waiting for my marine plants to arrive. I was wondering if hair algea has spores, like bubble algea??? Currently I have my lights turned off, and I have reduced my nitrates to 0. Should my algea go away...
  5. leopard_babe

    Snails longeviety

    That is so odd. I have had about 20 snails in the past month. I wake up and maybe 2 are flipped over. So, I flip them back over, but they are already dead. They are still in their shells, so I know that they have not been eaten. So much for a clean up crew...:notsure: Leopard
  6. leopard_babe

    Snails longeviety

    My starfish tends to eat my snails. he knocks them over and then eats them. I thought that it was the puffer, until I witnessed it with my very own eyes :rolleyes: . So I was wondering once my starfish flips a snail over, how long will it live upside down? It seems like they are always...
  7. leopard_babe

    Horse shoe crab

    If you were that interested, they sell them here at has A HUGE amount of info on them. It also says tat they don't get that big. Go to inverts and look under crabs. HTH Leopard
  8. leopard_babe

    water current?

    i split my tank into thirds. I have one near the bottom pointing toward the left. I have one 2/3 down and it is pointing to the right. I have y water return that is pointing to the left. This way food doesn't really settle in the bottom of the tank. that is my preferred method. Everyone...
  9. leopard_babe

    A couple ??? about my cycling tank

    What are you using to cycle, just live rock??? Some tanks cycle faster then others. My tank never really "spiked", but it did go through a cycle. When you say spiked are you talking off the charts, or just an increase in the levels? Welcome to saltwater. It sounds like your tank is cycling...
  10. leopard_babe

    New tank equipment

    For starter: -tank and stand -heater -substrate(what you are going to put in the bottom of the tank, live sand, crushed coral) -Some type of filtration (wet/dry, canister filter) -Live rock (don't have to have would be recommended) -Salt (to make salt water) -RO/di water (very healthy water for...
  11. leopard_babe

    Upgrade coming soon

    My mom gave in and is letting me get a bigger tank. Due to the fact that she loves the puffer. I think that I will only have room for like a 90. Could you make a nice aggressive tank with a 90? Or is that too small? I was thinking... P puffer (I have him, the real reason for the upgrade)...
  12. leopard_babe

    Check out these wicked aquariums!!!!

    I want a tank like that. First I need to get a job. I'll just keep dreaming. Leopard
  13. leopard_babe

    ? for harlequinnut

    Thanks very much. That was all extremely helpful. My tank is sealed off completly. So unless he can lift up the top of the tank, then there should be no carpet surfing here. thank you, Leopard
  14. leopard_babe

    ? for harlequinnut

    You sent me pictures of a pearly jawfish that you have. i am interested in adding one to my 46 bowfront. What does he eat? I also read that they are very NON agressive, is that true of your experience? What kind of tank mates does he have? Currently I have Scooter blenny lawnmower blenny p...
  15. leopard_babe


    I just read that a recommended tank size for one is like 500-600 gallons. That is a big a$$ fish. Did you ever see the teeth on one of those things??? VERY SCARY Found that stuff that I was reading. Here: Minimum Tank Size: 500 gallons Care Level: Expert Only Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg...
  16. leopard_babe


  17. leopard_babe


    Overanalyzer: I have been working with killafins on creating a seahorse tank. He was thinking of making the seahorse tank connect to my main tank. This is the email that he sent me: Ok, this SHOULD work in a very cost effitient manner. What I would do is buy a simple twenty to twenty-nine...
  18. leopard_babe


    You shouldn't really cycle your tank with fish. You should use a raw cocktail shrimp. this will cause an ammonia spike. When you get the spike take the shrimp out WITH A NET. It will fall apart and make a mess. The brown algea is diatom blooms. Yes this is normal for a tank that is...
  19. leopard_babe

    Live Sand ??

    I have indo pacific live sand, and it looks like crushed oreo's. i don't know about a reef tank, but in my FOWLR it is very beneficial. It has lots of little critters in it that are good for your tank. That is my understanding of live sand. Leopard
  20. leopard_babe

    LFS water testing

    Yes you could use a refractometer to give you an accurate reading. I was told to go to ---- and see if there are some good ones for good prices there. I don't know a good brand. I am still investingating them myself. Someone else will have to answer that. Leopard