ok so i just set up a 20gal with a 100gal sea clone and a power filter for 30gal. and its been running for around 2 weeks now and i have some brownish caramel color algae on the sand. the hermit crabs love it and are just eating away i just wanna know if its normal to have algae at this time...
ok so i plan on getting T-5's 4 my 20gal.
so can i keep Xenia, bubble coral, hammer coral, mushrooms, anemone, or frogspawn with T-5 lighting? are there any types of light bulbs i should get?
my cousins from Australia uses the weirdest way to frag shrooms. well i wouldn't call it fragging he uses a blender. he throws like 5 pieces of shroom in the blender with like a cup of saltwater and some marine trace into the blender blends them together and dumps everything in his small 10gal...
ok so this is my 100gal sea clone
i was wondering if this was how its supposed to look. the part where i circled is where the water level is. isnt it supposed to go to the top of the skimmer where i drew the question marks?
this is the tank in full view (20gal.)
these are my equipment im...
ok so im just starting up a 20gal. i have a nano 12gal. with a mated pair of percs and a lawnmower. im going to move the percs and the lawnmower to the 20gal and i cant decide what other fish i should add.
i dont want a damsel or cardinal. please give me some options.
its a coral tank so i need...
uh my light in my nano cube and my fans just turn off by them selfs sometimes. its getting really annoying. i tap the top and they start up again. wat do u think is the problem?
do i need to get a replacement bulb or should i get another nano?
sometimes my nano cube's light just turns off by its self. can some one tell me y? and to get it back started i tap the top of the tank a couple of times. the filter still works only the lights.
ok so i think my clown has Brooklynella or something like that and ich at the same time. HELPPPPPPP
i had medication for the ich but what should i do for the Brooklynella? but he isnt in stress for pain. cause he is eating good and playing with the other fish. what should i do??
there are lots and lots of very tiny snails on my glass. they are way to tiny to take pics. but they have 2 tiny whiskers like every other snail. i think i only have one Nassarius snail in there thats kind of big.
its a small 5 gal.