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  1. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    I'm pretty sure i'll start with fish only. What exactly is Live Rock?
  2. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    So reef, your saying that buying proper lights is very important? Does anyone have any used stuff for free? I have no problem doing onlies person to person deals. Also, is there any such thing as a starter kit? Becuase I dont know all the supplies I need. I dont even know what a 'power head' is...
  3. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    That I do, Thanks!
  4. muneyd00d


    What do you mean "To fit and post it"?
  5. muneyd00d

    Acrylic DIY

    Although I live in MD, i've purchased some acrylic before. I bought a sheet of about 5x5 quarter inch for about 30 dollars. It's a little expensive, hope I helped. Oh yeah, I got it at Home Depot.
  6. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    Originally posted by beaslbob I have never striped down a tank to clean it since I added plants to my fw and Sw aquariums. Both fw and sw have ran for up to 6 years of continuous operation. Sure I have to do some cleaning but totally takeing everything out is not necessary. Again with plant...
  7. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    Wowzers, go go gadget expensive. Lights are like, 150 =(. This is gonna burn one hell of a hole in my wallet, lol. EDIT - Do I ever have to remove everything out of the tank and wash it? Or is everything cleanable in one spot?
  8. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    Like how much money? I'm 16 and I only have a small source of income because my buisness just started.
  9. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    I've been reading around on these forums for a good hour. I'm really interested, and I cant find any threads with facts. I think there should be sticky threads in the newb forum about "Tank cycle" and all that good stuff. Just my opinion, i'm sure i'll find all my info eventually. Just a thought...
  10. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    First, thanks! Second, i'm getting the tank anyway. If I decide not to do saltwater, freshwater is good. Is theres a difference between freshwater and saltwater tanks? EDIT : What I mean is can I get this tank and decide between the two?
  11. muneyd00d

    Exactly how HARD is it?

    I've been looking into a fishtank for awile. I used to have a 20 gallon for some small fish, but they were snake food ;). I also had a tiny beta octagon tank. So coming into the saltwater I can honestly say I have no idea what im getting myself into. I know it's more work, but how much? How much...
  12. muneyd00d

    LED Moonlight ? Look around in there, I know its a computer hardware modding website, but it has ALOT do deal with led's and whatnot. He knows alot, your answer may be in there. Hope I helped.