Search results

  1. happyvac

    Cool Japanese Aquarium

    A very nice tank. Much more natural-looking than Western tanks IMO. File is too big to post, so here's a link.
  2. happyvac

    Keeping Large Crab

    I tried searching it, but I can't find anything on keeping large crab. By large crab I mean Snow/King Crab types. Went to the fish market a while back, saw a few of them crawling around in that dirty tank. I thought to myself, "If you could get some of those, they'd look pretty darn good." Of...
  3. happyvac

    Interesting Lying Tidbit

    Try this out. Ask someone to imagine a Purple Buffalo. Note where there eyes head. Then ask them to think of the color of the house they grew up in. They should head to the upper right (your left) and upper left (your right), accordingly, as they first have to visually construct the Purple...
  4. happyvac


    Anyone else tried this new program from Google? Great stuff for building 3-D models. Absolutely free and works great. I already built a couple of stands with it. Enjoy! SketchUp
  5. happyvac

    29g SPS

    Hi. I'm planning out a 29g SPS 24x24x12 in the following months. So far I've decided on a canopy with a 175w 20,000K Mogul-Base MH Retro. The canopy will be cooled by a fan on either side. I plan on a 1" drain on the left-bottom corner covered by a 12" overflow, and the return through another...
  6. happyvac


    Just thought of something; is it possible to have a clam/oyster produce a pearl in a home aquarium? Kind of interesting.
  7. happyvac

    29g Skimmers

    Hi. I'm planning my 29g 24x24x12 and don't want to skimp on equipment the first time around so I'm looking at what I feel are "good" skimmers. ASM Mini G ASM G-1, G-1X ASM G-2 My main question here is whether you can "over-skim" a tank. In the future I plan on keeping delicate life like SPS and...
  8. happyvac

    29g Equipment Choices

    Hi. Some of you might already know that I'm looking to set up a 29g sometime within the next few months. At this point I'm planning for a square (24x24x12) aquarium, but if inconvenience prevails, I'll be using a generic 29 long. Right now I'm thinking that I'll be building my own Sump/Fuge...
  9. happyvac

    30g Schooling?

    Is there anything that will school in a 30g? I'm very inspired by this Japanese tank. It's somewhere around 150g, but I'm trying to recreate it (square-ish format) in a smaller tank. (pretty badly cropped, sorry)
  10. happyvac

    Square Tanks

    I was looking around on another forum and saw someone talking about a 24lx24wx12h tank (a square, in a sense). I saw a couple pictures and I was just blown away by how natural they look...this got me wanting one. As far as evaporation and such, does anyone know if it's do-able?
  11. happyvac

    Holy Overstocking, Batman!

    Check this guy's tank :scared: :
  12. happyvac

    Metal Halide Kelvin?

    Am I missing something here? Most Aquarium Halides I see are around 6500k. Are they different?
  13. happyvac

    Walking Octopus

    Pretty old news (almost a year) but it's a cool story and vid :)
  14. happyvac

    Auction Site Nano

    I was looking around that auction site and found a 12g Nano, complete set-up for $400. "Wow," I thought. "Pretty okay, I think!" So I lookd at the stocking list. 1 Maroon Clown 1 Yellow Tang Needless to say, I immediately skipped it
  15. happyvac

    Fish Food?

    Here's a strange question... ...have you ever eaten your fish's food? Doesn't count if it's actual seafood, like shrimp.
  16. happyvac

    Starphire Glass

    Lately I've been checking out the possibility of an aquarium made from Starphire glass, but I can't find it anywhere online. Help? :notsure:
  17. happyvac

    "Stacked" Lighting?

    This has probably been asked before, but could one have multiple fixtures on one tank? Like have one in the front, one in the middle, one in the back? Thanks :happyfish
  18. happyvac

    My 12g Setup

    Here's what it's going to be like: Aquapod 12g Current USA Nano Skimmer Maxi-Jet 900 (to replace the stock pump) Red Sea Marine Test Kit Ebo-Jager 50w Heater Auto Top-Off System I will also be DIYing a surface skimmer from an old cassette-holder type thing. Livestock: 1 False Percula Clown 5...
  19. happyvac


    I'm planning on a 12g Nano. I understand that something like this should "probably" go into the Nano Tanks section, but I think it applies to fishkeeping in general. What do you do when you go away on trips? Start over when you come back?
  20. happyvac

    Oregonreef Fish

    Does anybody know what that fish on the front of the Oregonreef site is? It looks like some sort of Tang, but I can't figure out for the life of my what it is