Search results

  1. rykna

    Seahorse Anatomy

    Seahorse Anatomy
  2. rykna

    Seahorse Habitats

    During breeding season, the female lays up to 200 eggs in the father's pouch. A. After two to six weeks, the father grasps a seaweed stem. The opening of his pouch enlarges. B. He flexes his body back and forth. the pouch opening widens and babies begin to emerge. C. Babies are born in small...
  3. rykna

    Need Lighting Input

    G-Stacks asked: Is 130w of light for my 30 gallon enough for high spectrum coral and anemones? Rykna~"Lighting is not my specialty." need input please
  4. rykna

    New Babies!!

    My dwarf seahorse just had babies!!!
  5. rykna

    And God said "Let there be Life"

    Genesis 1:20 ~ And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems. Life is a circle...and with death comes life...
  6. rykna

    Seahorses & Copperband Angels

    Would a copperband angel work in a horse tank to help keep the aipstasia down? Or would the angel be to stressful for the horse?
  7. rykna

    Quick Pic

    Quick pic for friend. Family Room setup:
  8. rykna

    Annihilate All Aiptasia

    They came, they laid waste to the tank, ravaging..pillaging...and in TWO WEEKS devoured all by 5 of my dwarf seahorses I am in the process of disassembling the 15 gallon pony tank. Curse those evil invaders of death. What does it take to obliterate them from your tank!!! So any good attack plans?
  9. rykna

    Care Level of Seahorses

    There are many sites with different ratings of care levels for these available species. Rating from 0-5(0 being the easiest) what would you give this lists of seahorse for level of care. Tropical species - kept at 74-78 degrees F H. zosterae Dwarf Seahorse H. kuda Spotted Seahorse H. barbouri...
  10. rykna

    Canister Filters

    I want to upgrade from my Ehiem Pro2 for my sea hrose tank. I need something than has a internal heater and a big filtration system...would like suggestions Has any one used the Ehiem Pro3?
  11. rykna

    Drawing projects

    I have far to much fun with my paint shop pro 7. I spent the majority of this afternoon drawing up these pics.
  12. rykna


    Lisa posted this I got up this morning and found both of my horses (yeah, both of them) on the sand...neither would eat breakfast. I tried spot feeding, some tough love, etc...I've checked the water parameters twice... ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 pH 8.2 SG 1.025-6 I was convinced that both...
  13. rykna

    Babies grow fast!

    I have had the dwarf seahorses for almost a month now. When I brought the 2 adults and 3 babies home you could hardly see the babies. This monday I got 4 adults and four more babies. This is a picture of "Pearle(baby from the first batch)and the four new babies
  14. rykna

    Need Input :)

    I need to put together a business proposal for the monthly maintenance cost of a 55 gallon salt water aquarium. My plan for the tank is a simple set up. Pair of clowns, a few low light corals. I have all the equipment, LS, LR, etc. The light I'd be using is my old coralife fixture. I have a...
  15. rykna

    Very Bad Post
  16. rykna

    Dwarf Seahorses/Water flow

    I have been trying to come up with better ways to introduce flow in my dwarf seahorse tank. I came up with this idea. Basically I'd connect a mini power filter to several tiny spray bars all along the back of the tank to minimize dead spots in the tank. What do you think?
  17. rykna

    Collecting corals off Virginia Coast~

    Collecting corals off Virginia Coast~We're taking a road trip that takes us right past the Norfolk Beach. Is there any good areas to go snorkeling there? Not sure if there would be anything to see or not.
  18. rykna

    Our little Angel

    I'm sure all parents have moments like this... My inlaws are coming this afternoon. We spent the majority of last night cleaning the house. Brian was cleaning his library, I was vacuuming, and Aria(6) was picking up her toys. The downstairs was finished, but the upstairs still needed a clean...
  19. rykna

    Brine Shrimp Hatchery

    I got this design from Luke: I need to get some clarification from him. Will post more info
  20. rykna

    Kids do the darndest things

    Our daughter Aria is 6 years old. She has watched many movies, such as all the Lord of the Ring series(3 yrs old, cheered for the good guys and shouted "look out for the Orcs!!!"...all the Jurrasic Park series...(5-6 years old, we still have serveral different species of dinosaurs thundering...