Search results

  1. darth tang

    I want what he is smoking!

    Forecaster leaves job to pursue weather theories By Jana Peterson and John O'Connell - Journal writers POCATELLO - To the rest of the country, Scott Stevens is the Idaho weatherman who blames the Japanese Mafia for Hurricane Katrina. To folks in Pocatello, he's the face of the weather at KPVI...
  2. darth tang

    This needed to be said!

    I Will Rebuild With You, Mr. President By Donna Brazile Saturday, September 17, 2005; A21 New Orleans is my hometown. It is the place where I grew up, where my family still lives. For me, it is a place of comfort and memories. It is home. Now my home needs your help, and the help of every...
  3. darth tang

    HBO documentary/tribute on 9/11

    I watched this last night. Very good and very informative. Very well done. I got emotional about it all over again. Some things that stuck out at me with this tragedy versus the the Hurican tragedy down south. Particularly in regards to New Orleans. Some things that Guiliani did that I didn't...
  4. darth tang

    What is an American

    > >> To Kill an American > >> You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was > >> actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a > >> newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, > >> any American. > >> So an Australian dentist wrote...
  5. darth tang

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    It should come down dramaticly in the next couple months. If history repeats like it normally does. At the moment the Arab oil companies are pumping out 1.2 million barrels of oil a day over demand. Last time that happenned was back in 1996 or 1997, I can't remember. Witht hem pumping more...
  6. darth tang

    Dad gave me a fifty-five...........

    Need some ideas. I currently have a 140 aggressive, that needs one more inhabitant then it is done, a 55 gallon seahorse tank with engineer goby, a turtle habitat in a twenty, and a 10 gallon freshwater. I am also setting up a 10 gallon Mantis shrimp tank. My dilema is what to do with the 55. I...
  7. darth tang

    I had a dream last night, what do you think?

    My dream was about one of my tanks. In my dream I had just gotten home from work. I look at my tank as it is the first think you see when you come in. My water is orange!!!! Also all my fish are black and they are missing their flesh. They are swimming around fine but I can see their bones as...
  8. darth tang

    About time for football so......................

    I am setting up a fantsy league on Yahoo and looking for anyone interested. The league is set up already but I am waiting to see who might want in first before I open it to the public.
  9. darth tang

    I found a dead crab I didn't place in my tank!

    Ok, My seahorse tank hasd been running for about 3 months now. I have a few hermit crabs, snails,and an engineer goby in with the 2 horses. Here is the baffling thing......I found a dead hermit crab in my tank./ It was Bigger than any of my other crabs by atleast 2 times. So I know it wasn't one...
  10. darth tang

    Non-photosynthetic Gorgonians?

    I am not entirely new to this hobby. But I am new to this next venture I am considering. I currenttly have a 140 aggressive and a 55 seahorse with goby tank. My dad in a couple weeks is giving me another 55 gallon tank with two canister filters (not sure which route I am going yet with this...
  11. darth tang

    Sea Spiders?

    Has anyone ever heard of someone keeping one of these. I am not looking to try. Just curious. I hate spiders but this one was pretty. sea spider
  12. darth tang

    Green Bird Wrasse issue

    I purchased a Greeen Bird Wrasse on Friday last week. I watched him feed and the whole nine yards. He was moderately active, not racing all over but swimming good at the LFS. I acclimated him 3 hours by drip. When I put him in the tank he went and hid under a rock. He doesn't swim as much as he...
  13. darth tang

    Lost a seahorse.

    I came home last night from work and went to feed the seahorses I have and I found my female stuck to the powerhead. She got her head caught from the suction of the intake. This must have hurt her real bad as it killed it her. I took out the powerhead and replaced it with a HOB filter for water...
  14. darth tang

    Seahorse are in!!!!

    I finally picked up my two seahorses from the LFSD and got them in their new home. A 55 gallon tank. They seem to be doing very well...eating frozen mysis this morning and last night the were dancing with each other..... I am so happy. Next purchase, a bird wrasse for my aggressive tank.....
  15. darth tang

    I almost flushed a damsel!

    I have a 55 Gal. That I have been cycling for a seahorse tank. Well my cycle ended but I wanted to place a small fish in just to be sure. Instead of waiting for my LFS to open the next morning I went to the infamous ***** and grabbed a Damsel. Placed the fish in and all seemed well. I was about...
  16. darth tang

    Ack!!!! It happenned before my eyes

    I had a tank wipeout a couple months back and lost everything except three fish and my inverts. Then after about a week my peppermint shrimp disappeared. I never did find it, ever. I assummed it was dead and the clean up crew did their job. Fast forweard about two months. I bought a Panther...
  17. darth tang

    never seen this need ideas

    I have set up a 55 gallon seahorse tank. It is cycling still. I noticed yesterday a relatively small pile of what appeared to be a brown substance in front of one of my live rock pieces. It looks like something removed from the rock. I can't see a single creature near this pile or on the rock...
  18. darth tang

    New 55 Gallon

    I just got a new 55 gallon Tank. It mounts and fits very nicely over one of my entertainment centers. I have a small concern however. I am setting this tank up for tank raised sea horses. I plan on using some sand from my current tank mixed with southdown sand. I also plan on stealing about 25...
  19. darth tang

    Ophiura or anyone else a couple questions.

    I am baffled. I posted before about my tank crashing under Hypo (mainly due to the ammonia rising a bit and a Drastic Ph drop, this was corrected). I was left with a firefish goby, engineer, a molly, and a "spotted" grouper. Ophuira, you mention my tank seemed over stocked which I agree with so...