Search results

  1. zoidberg01

    how did you discover saltwater

    I found saltwater when I was searching information for a humu Picasso triggerfish
  2. zoidberg01

    èarthquake in puerto rico!!!

    Its now one a clock in Puerto Rico and fifteen minutes ago there was a earthquake with a magnitude of 6..
  3. zoidberg01

    tips for angelfish

    I have done lots of searching here and heard lots of stories here on and real life and the thing is that almost all angelfishes are reef safe if they are full. They will start eating some of your corals if you leave them hungry this includes all "reef safe" angels that's and if they...
  4. zoidberg01

    are marimo moss balls freshwater plants or saltwater plants

    I was just wondering if I could put a marimo moss ball in a salt water aquarium
  5. zoidberg01

    how can you difference a lopezi tang from a vlamingi tang

    I want a Lopezi tang because they don't grow much like the vlamingi but how can you tell them apart. I think I have a idea because the vlamingi like foxfaces get threatened they go darker and maybe the lopezi doesn't change color
  6. zoidberg01

    can you keep a quarantine with just a bubbler and a filter

    I have some spare 5 to 10 gallon tanks and wondering if I can use it as a quarantine with just a bubbler and a filter
  7. zoidberg01

    is calcium carbonate good or bad ???

    I've been reading that plants like mermaids fan and halimeda produce it and before I start to put corals on my tank I want to know if it will harm them
  8. zoidberg01

    this makes me sad

    When I was searching my old pictures when I was a baby I saw that in the beach I go the tide was way higher and there was a lot of corals . But now when I go there there is nothing and it took me sometime to guess we're did they go . And suddenly I look at the floor all there is is the limestone...
  9. zoidberg01

    Happy New year

    I wish you have a happy New year from Puerto Rico
  10. zoidberg01


    I hope you are having a good time with your loved ones
  11. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    Today im going to pick up my second aquarium but this time I will make it a reef tank I already bought a aqueon pump 950 , 40 pounds of live sand and rocks
  12. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    Today im going to pick up my second aquarium but this time I will make it a reef tank I already bought a aqueon pump 950 , 40 pounds of live sand and rocks
  13. zoidberg01

    what are they doing

    My midas blenny and my naked cinnamon clown have been together the last few days and the do this weird dance . Ill try to upload pictures
  14. zoidberg01

    my best way to acclimate

    To acclimate my new fish the first thing I do is check if there carnivorous or herbivores. Then I go to the beach and get hermit crabs or halimeda and mermaids fan plant . I put them in the hiding spots for the fish knowing that they will eventually start pecking it and in the hour I always see...
  15. zoidberg01

    how can you farm copepods on a refuge tank

    I have made other post on questions on starting a reef tank and I want to have mandarins but they eat a lot so how can you do it as quick as possible
  16. zoidberg01

    what are one of the hardiest corals for beginners

    in a few weeks I am going to purchase a 75 g reef tank and I don't know much about corals so wich are one of the hardiest and not much expensive coral . Also what are the best shrimps ,crabs and snails I can put
  17. zoidberg01

    what is the best lighting for coral

    Also what do you call does fans that imitate the oceans tied
  18. zoidberg01

    why is a clown tang a expert only fish

    I have a clown tang in my tank he's a baby I also have a naso tang and a yellow tang they never have fought and I have him eating and he barely swims at high speeds
  19. zoidberg01

    will my french angel fight with a bicolor angel

    I have a 55 gallon tank and have q juvenile angel that got popeye and one of his eye popped and in his other eye he has a white spot if you now what it is please tell me butt will it fight with a bicolor or flame angel
  20. zoidberg01

    im going to start my first reef tank

    My reef tank will have a refuge tank , what also do I need to maintain the coral happy im new to this. I would want to buy soft corals something you would see moving