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  1. fuz_munky

    struggling with a territorial damsel

    ok so i just but a sixline wrasse about 2 hours ago i acclimated him and placed him in my tank and i think hes scared of my damsel and hes hiding in the back top right corner of my tank. . . should i take out the damsel or. . . what
  2. fuz_munky

    total cost of a 49G (tall) aquarium

    ive had my 29 biocube for about 5-6 months and wanna move up in scale and my aunt had a 49G tank sitting around all empty so i took advantage of the moment and now i have a tank sitting around MY house with nothing to do so how much money is it gunna take to set this thing up
  3. fuz_munky

    total cost of 75 gallon (tall) tank

    just the eqquipment a LR (chemicals?) no corals or fish, and i allready have the tank
  4. fuz_munky

    5 months later, my biocube

    hey im out of the cycling process (took a loooooooong time no clue why, i didnt change anything) and running a 29G biocube on stock and im wondering what i should add/remove, what kind of fish i can add and other things ,help is appreciated! oh and if anyone here lives in seattle to renton, WA...
  5. fuz_munky

    another strange thing growing on my LR

    not sure what it is, help is appreciated (Note: its the off white lump in the middle with a small featherlik "tentacle" sticking out)
  6. fuz_munky


    is it ok to put actual garlic "juice" on your lettuce or spinach?
  7. fuz_munky


    hey i saw this orange thing growing within my colony, is it a coral?
  8. fuz_munky

    new 47gal(tall) tank help

    im going to be starting a new tank in a month or two can i get a supplies list or advice?
  9. fuz_munky

    Post Your Tangs!

    heres my little naso tang i bought a week ago, love him! im getting a yellow or powder blue soon
  10. fuz_munky

    Its killing my corals!

    ok ive had my tank for about a year now and im getting all these small centipede like creatures hiding in my liverock and killing all my coral what should i get or do
  11. fuz_munky

    tang food help!

    i have a naso tang and have run out of seaweed to feed it, is it posabble to feed it green's(thin sliced cucumbers, lettuce etc.)?