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  1. nolesfan06

    Metal Halide vs. Merc Vapor

    Will a 175 watt mercury vapor bulb promote the same amount of growth as a 175 watt MH? Is just the color affected? Do they put out the same amount of heat? :help: Any input would be appreciated. :help:
  2. nolesfan06

    Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?

    if the north is so much cooler then why do half of them go south from November-March? Plus if I went fishing i'd rather be in 80-85 degree water with a t-shirt rather then freezin cold atlantic or pacific waters with a jacket. well i dont really know about the pacific but i heard it was cold...
  3. nolesfan06

    Who's cooler, northerners or southerners?

    Right now im sittin in 75 degree weather not worried about snow nor wakin up early for traffic problems. I'd take a person from the south rather than the north anyday of the week cuz we no how to get it done! plus we invented daisy dukes. nuff said
  4. nolesfan06

    MH Light ???'s

    If you do put in a Mercury Vapor light how much are u talkin about yellower or greener? Could u put a NO florescent in the hood also to make it more whiter?
  5. nolesfan06

    MH Light ???'s

    Hey Everyone I got a couple questions to ask and hopefully I can find the right answers. How volts of electricity does a standard 175 watt metal halide light run on??? How big of a difference is there between using a metal halide bulb or a mercury vapor bulb?? Thank you