Search results for query: "flame +angel

  1. Jesterrace

    Captive bred flames

    IMHO the only captive bred angel that is an improvement is the Biota Captive Bred Coral Beauty. Colors are amazing on those and although spendy at $70, is not the rip off $200 for the captive bred flame that doesn't look anywhere near as attractive as it's wild caught counterpart.
  2. Jesterrace

    Finishing my 65G Stocking?

    You could try another wrasse of some kind. I had a bad experience with a flame angel (to be fair it was in my 36 gallon), so I will avoid them in the future.
  3. Jesterrace

    Fire Fish Attacked

    That's a new one, my Diamond Watchman Goby is definitely more assertive and would bite any fish that got too close, although it's warmed up to my Wrasse and they tolerate each other pretty good. About as brave as I saw my Purple Firefish was when I had my flame angel and it would wait for it...
  4. lmforbis

    Finishing my 65G Stocking?

    I have a nice flame angel. Probably 3 years now. I have never had an issue with it. Some can be aggressive and some eat coral.
  5. Jesterrace

    Finishing my 65G Stocking?

    The issue with puffers is that they can kill your stock if stressed. That's enough to convince me never to get one. The Flame Angel tends to be one of the more aggressive dwarf angels and can possibly nip at your corals (as can all dwarf angels). If you are set on a dwarf angel, I would...
  6. lmforbis

    Need help beth!

    I do feed mine Hikari pellets. Not as a primary food but once a week or so. This way I know they will eat it. I use an auto feeder if I am on vacation. I always know the fish will it the pellets when necessary. Otherwise I feed a mix of frozen food. Emerald entre, spiraling brine, mysis...
  7. X

    How to quarantine Kole tang

    The DT is a 3 years old 100-gallon system with softies and LPS. A velvet outbreak last summer killed most of my babies, only able to save an YT and two firefishes. (My BT was recovered from ich/velvet in the HT but died from HLLE while DT was still in fallow, that was very sad ). The DT went...
  8. X

    How to quarantine Kole tang

    the parameters is not perfect: detectable low ammnoia recently, probably since i added that flame angel i did not worry about the parameters since the observation tank has a 20-gallon sump and has been running almost 8 months with rocks and filterations. it is basically a soft coral only tank...
  9. X

    How to quarantine Kole tang

    My Kole tang seems in trouble now. she has been in a 20-gallon QT since late Dec 2017, no pre-treatment, only quarantine for observations. 2 weeks ago, I added a fame angel to the QT, and the Kole tang got constant bully and showing minor stress signs. Last weekend, I decided to catch the...
  10. E

    60 gallon stock list

    I recently was able to add fish to my 60 gallon cube. I have 60lbs live sand and almost 50lbs of live rock. Took around 3 weeks to cycle. I added 2 damsels (one is a three stripped and the other I'm not sure the name but is blue with a yellow belly), a coral beauty angel and flame hawkfish. I'm...
  11. X

    How to best use my too-small sump (my stand is too small)?

    The attached picture shows my current 20-gallon sump that supports a 100-gallon display tank. I think my DT consider low bioload: four different tangs (yello, blue, powder brown, and kole tangs all about 2-3 inches), 4 clownfishes ( less than 1.5 inch), one flame angel (1.5 inch), two gobies...
  12. Jesterrace

    Given a wonderful gift...but.

    The Wrasse maxes out around 6-7 inches. As for the dwarf angels it is possible. , . . . .in a very large tank (ie 180 gallon or larger). You are on the bottom end for the recommended size for ONE Dwarf Angel. The Yellow tang is also really pushing it in a 75 gallon.
  13. Weatherboy

    Given a wonderful gift...but.

    Got a 75 gal. All is good. Very little maintenance. Really, I don’t do much. Two marine land 350s on back, a fan and UV sterilizer. Was just give some great fish. A flame angel, a coral beauty angel, a Hoeven wrass and a branded coral shrimp. All small maybe. 2” at most. Now what I already...
  14. ajackson2188

    FREE Flame Angel is back! Limited quantity. $79 = FREE SHIPPING. Upgrade = FREEBIES + FREE SHIPPING.
  15. P

    Algae-ridden tank reboot

    I've had a 55 gal for about 5 years or so that started to become somewhat over-run with algae. Right now I'm in the process of lots of water changes and pulling out algae and I'm starting to plan for the future. Currently it has one clown and one chalk bass, a few astrea and narssarius snails...
  16. Jesterrace

    Time to upgrade

    After repeated issues with aggression from adding new fish in my tank, I have decided it's time to upgrade from my 36 gallon. I have attempted to add a Flame Angel, Fairy Wrasse, Captive Bred Occ Clown (not at the same time, I would try and remove one before adding another). I don't know for...
  17. Jesterrace

    Stocking 54gal Corner Tank

    Yup, it's actually a Pygmy Angel, although they list it under the Dwarf Angels and it is probably the only one I would attempt in less than a 70 gallon tank. Most sites actually have the Orangeback (although they list it as an African Flameback). The regular Flameback is from Brazil...
  18. B

    Stocking 54gal Corner Tank

    Right on... I def confused it with the flame angel. Thanks again for the info! I appreciate all the ideas!
  19. Jesterrace

    Stocking 54gal Corner Tank

    Okay fair enough on the bioload, but I was talking about the flameback angel which is a different fish. This is the flameback angel LA, Bluezoo, and others list them between 50 and 55 gallons...
  20. B

    Stocking 54gal Corner Tank

    Thanks for the input! Yeah I looked at a bunch of angels but every one I looked at, including the flame, require 70+ gal tank and I only have 54 gal. I'll hold off on the angels until I upgrade to a larger tank in the future. I think I'll be pretty well stocked with what I'll have in my tank...