Search results

  1. halfpint72

    arrow crab

    I want to get a arrow crab but all it says here is bold and should be kept in a big tank. Just how bold are these guys and is a 55gal tank with lots and lots of rock big enough? i also have a 3 other shrimp and a clown and a blue hippo tang Thanks. Adam.
  2. halfpint72

    Wet/dry with or without Protein skimmer?

    Are the protein skimmers that are built in the wetdry filters a good idea? or is it better to have them separate? I am thinking about getting the ProClear Aquatics Pro150 Wet/Dry Filter. or should i just save my money and get the lower model without the protein skimmer? Also if the protein...
  3. halfpint72

    wet dry ???

    me again with another question. i have a 55g reef and was thinking about getting a pro series 75 gallon wet dry filter. BUT i kind of want to get a 100g tank in a year or two. SO i was wondering if i could get a pro series 125 and run it with my 55g tank in the mean time. Will that work or would...
  4. halfpint72

    wetdry ??

    me again with another question. i have a 55g reef and was thinking about getting a pro series 75 gallon wet dry filter. BUT i kind of want to get a 100g tank in a year or two. SO i was wondering if i could get a pro series 125 and run it with my 55g tank in the mean time. Will that work or...
  5. halfpint72

    Wet/dry ????

    Thank You EVERYONE!!! I will let you know when I make the change.
  6. halfpint72

    Wet/dry ????

    not sure about the whole wetdry filtration. i have a 55g reef tank that is not drilled. I was wanting to go from a canister filter to a pro series 75 gallon wet fry filter. Will that be the right filter for me? Does my tank have to be drilled? oh and i know there are the bio balls but where...
  7. halfpint72

    Stand Wheels?

  8. halfpint72

    Stand Wheels?

    I am thinking about building a new stand for my 55g tank and I have an idea that I bet yall would know if its okay or not. I am thinking about installing heavy duty wheels on my newly built stand so I could move it from the wall and get behind it to make things easier and also soo i could move...
  9. halfpint72

    Stand Wheels?

  10. halfpint72

    Blue Hippo Tang

    I have a blue hippo tang in a QT, he has been in there for 2 weeeks. I do have some live rock in there just because i had too much in my DT, but anyways he has been hiding every second of everyday. Is this normal? I am kinda worried that he is too stressed out and not goin to make it. He is...
  11. halfpint72

    Sea Horse in QT?

    I have a 20gal. QT that has just a basic setup. a low powered light, a heater, and a small little hang on filter. i have some live rock just because i had too much in my DT... but back to my question. i was wondering if i can put a small sea horse in my QT and will it be okay when i need to Q a...
  12. halfpint72

    Stupid Question.

    Thank you everyone!!!
  13. halfpint72

    Stupid Question.

    Can you super glue something and put it in your tank? Or will the glue mess up the balance. My suction cups keep falling off. So I am just going to glue my power heads to some magnets… Will that be okay? I know it’s a stupid question but just being overly cautious.
  14. halfpint72

    What Canister Filter is Better??

    Thanks to everyone that posted.. .
  15. halfpint72

    What Canister Filter is Better??

    Thanks to all that posted.. it came in handie
  16. halfpint72

    What Canister Filter is Better??

    When I first started I bought a cheap Odyssea CFS 4 off of ----. I just dont think it provides the quality I would like. I have a 55g reef and I am trying to decide between these two, Hagen Fluval 405 Aquarium Canister Filter 340GPH Marineland 350 Magnum One plus I would like is being...
  17. halfpint72

    going to only one tank

    is the tank still for sale? are you selling any of the rock?
  18. halfpint72


    auuhhh crap i think its ick ... Thanks for the helping hand lion_crazz.
  19. halfpint72


    Okay about a week ago I had a firefish goby die on me and noticed my Green Mandarin Dragonet missing. Then last night my Hi-Fin Bangaii Cardinal died and this morning i found my True Percula clown dead. I did notice that my clown had what looked like white fuzzy specs on him and my hi-fin's...
  20. halfpint72

    Sally Lightfoot Crabs

    Thanks.. now if I can just catch him and get him