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  1. yelllowtang

    harry crab

    I'm not sure but it could be a decorator crab. That's just a possibility. ;)
  2. yelllowtang


    I have a question? How do you do fresh water dips? to cure black ick on a yellow tang. I have just got him and he has this black stuff on his lower fins. Well anyway I have been reading posts on this site and there is alot of people saying that fresh water dips cure or help to cure black ick...
  3. yelllowtang

    What is it????

    I just bought a Yellow Tang and have had him for about 2 weeks. The stupid thing I did was that I put him right into the main tank without q/t. keep in mind i'm new at this.This is the first salt water tank I have ever set up and it's a 29 gallon all glass tank. Well anyway 2 days ago I noticed...