Search results

  1. gibby84

    Hammer Coral losing color

    The nitrates are in the 10-20 ppm range, I will be doing a water change of 10 gallons in the next couple of days. The rest of my corals seem to be OK, just the hammer is faded. It still has good extension and looks healthy, just faded. The color seems to be coming back little by little, maybe...
  2. gibby84

    Hammer Coral losing color

    :help: I just got this hammer about 4 days ago, he was shipped across country and it took 2 days. When I first put it in the tank it was high up on some rocks and the second day I noticed the color was fading so I moved it lower in the tank after reading that they like to be on the substrate...
  3. gibby84

    Looking for a manual for Kent R/O system

    I have the full size CTA 10 GPD Kent RO filter and I am in need of the manual. If anyone has an electronic version or knows where I can find one to download, please let me know. I am specifically looking to find what size filters I need to replace the ones in there, so if anyone knows what...
  4. gibby84

    Anyone in Eastern NC

    Little Buck, I am local here in J-ville and would be interested in some frags at a good price. Email me at beatty1821 at hotmail dot com if you have any or would just like to BS about the hobby. I also shop at the fish cave, Mike is an OK guy most the time. Let me know if you are interested...
  5. gibby84

    Bioload ???'s

    OK, here's a URL
  6. gibby84

    Bioload ???'s

    Trying again to attach pic. Scott
  7. gibby84

    How to post a pic?

    How do you post a pic? I thought I attached one to an earlier reply but I don't see it. Thanks for any help. Scott
  8. gibby84

    Bioload ???'s

    Trey asked me to post a pic of my tank, so here it is. Pretty bland so far, the corraline(not sure how to spell that) is spreading slowly, but it is slowly but surely.
  9. gibby84

    Who killed my Coral Beauty??

    I am almost sure it had to be one of the new fish, the angel had been fine in there for months. The inverts I have are basic, a carpet anemone, another anemone with longer tentacles with yellow tips, a couple emerald crabs, a sally lightfoot crab, 75 or so hermits, and 75 or so snails. I...
  10. gibby84

    Who killed my Coral Beauty??

    I found my coral beauty dead today. One of his tank mates decided he shouldn't be there anymore. I am wondering which fish did it. The coral beauty has been in there for 5 or 6 months no problems at all. I recently added a kole tang and a black cap basslet. I am sure it was one of them that...
  11. gibby84

    Yellow Tang has translucent spots, help!

    I am actually posting this for my neighbor. He has a 29 gallon tank with 4 fish in it, the tang, a strawberry pseudo, a clarki clown, and a blue damsel, about 30 lbs of live rock, an anemone, and some mushroom coral. The other fish are fine but his tang had a cloudy eye and he bought some...
  12. gibby84

    Bioload ???'s

    I was looking at adding a couple of wrasse, I posted another thread looking for suggestions on which types of wrasse would work in the tank. The tank has been up and running for like a year and a half now, though it was in a 55 gallon unplumbed tank then I moved everything into the 72 gallon...
  13. gibby84

    What type of wrasse??

    Thanks for the welcome. I have been lurking here just reading for about a year and a half now. These forums have been awesome as a source of information about the hobby. Scott
  14. gibby84

    What type of wrasse??

    I have a 72 gallon bow front. I currently have the following items in there: 1 carpet anemone 1 other other anemone (white with yellow tips, tentacles are about 1 1/2-2 inches long) 1 yellow gorgonian 2 feather dusters 2 percula clowns 1 coral beauty angel 1 kole tang 1 black cap basslet 1...
  15. gibby84

    Bioload ???'s

    I have a 72 gallon bow front. I currently have the following items in there: 1 carpet anemone 1 other other anemone (white with yellow tips, tentacles are about 1 1/2-2 inches long) 1 yellow gorgonian 2 feather dusters 2 percula clowns 1 coral beauty angel 1 kole tang 1 black cap basslet 1...