Search results

  1. peter ray

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    Yes, I have heard these are hard rays to take care of. I have had him for almost 1 1/2 years. He eats...alot. He loves ghost shrimp, frozen krill, mysis shrimp, silversides, live guppies and minnows. I alternate his food around so he never gets bored of one thing and I supplement his food with...
  2. peter ray

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    I'll get a full tank shot up in the next day.
  3. peter ray

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    New camera = New pictures of the Sting Ray! He's a ham!
  4. peter ray

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Actually I am a woman. :joy: The bow front that Peter Ray started out in is a 95 gallon. The angle of that picture makes it look smaller. I've included another picture that shows more of that tank. Peter Ray has lots of room now in the 150 gallon. When and if he does outgrow the 150, he will...
  5. peter ray

    Picture Contest for newbies

    oops, I was late. Sorry about that!
  6. peter ray

    Picture Contest for newbies

    Here's a picture of "Peter Ray!" He always comes right up to the glass for his picture. Seems like he's actually talking with that mouth of his! He keeps us entertained!
  7. peter ray

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Here are some more in his new tank. The last picture with him and the corals were his first home. He was much smaller then. His new home has a lot of open swimming areas. Enjoy!
  8. peter ray

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Here are 2 pictures of Peter Ray in his new home. As you can see he is quite the ham. I have to resize his baby pictures. Will do another time. :cheer:
  9. peter ray

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Peter Ray is a Blue Spotted Ribbontail. Taeniura Lymma. I will post pics soon. I'll include his baby pics and recent ones in his new setup. I have learned so much from these forums on how to care for him and also how most of these guys end up not making it. So far, so good.
  10. peter ray

    why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

    Hey there. I've had my bluespotted stingray for over a year now. He is very healthy. Very active with vibrant spots, eats out of my hand and loves to "hunt" for ghost shrimp as a treat! I keep him in a 150 gallon tank at home. His tankmates: a 1' leopard grouper, pajama cardinal, 2 gobies, a...