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  1. baylisc

    What is this?

    Sea Squirt? :notsure: can you get a closer shot of it
  2. baylisc

    My new nano pics

    JacknJill, Got this directly off their website. "The new nano cube deluxe offers double the light output of the original model, giving your corals and invertebrates 48 total watts of intence jbj compact flourescent illumination." The regular model comes with only 24 watts. If you thinking...
  3. baylisc

    jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)

    clarkiiclo, I have the perfect web site for you. email me at ok, update.. that email for some reason dosnt work, sorry about that. :) email me at
  4. baylisc

    My new nano pics

    Laddy, I have heard that its about 9 1/2 to 10 gallons display and around 2 gallons for sump/fuge. ClarkiiClo, you tank is looking great!! I am on the verge of buying a JBJ myself. I am having problems pulling myself away from learing on web sites like this though. The knowledge you need for...
  5. baylisc

    jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)

    hiya Clarkii, Thanks for the response, I had a fealing I would need the sponge. I would really like to go completly natural so when the tank is set up am going to try without the sponge to se how things go. would you mind doing me a favor and taking a picture of your sump/refuge, preferably a...
  6. baylisc

    jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)

    let me pick the brains of you guys/girls for a minute. So i want to buy jbj nano 12 gallon and convert the sump area into a fuge. First Chamber: trim the top so that skim can come in from display area and flow onto some Cheato or other plant (any suggestions on a better plant to use?) Second...
  7. baylisc

    My new nano pics

    Clarkii, in your orriginal post you said you where going to upgrade your lights, what do you plan on upgrading the lights to? Thanks
  8. baylisc

    Best powerhead for 30 gal

    Bump for ya as I am interested in this as well.
  9. baylisc

    Razors Tank After the Move

    That looks great! I bow to you fish tank greatness What size tank is it?
  10. baylisc

    Couldn't leave well enough alone, new 30gallon nano underway

    Looking great! is that the actual name of the paint or your name for it? please keep us updated! thanks
  11. baylisc

    How to Acclimate

    On this web site they suggest acclimation of 4 plus hours. they suggest the drip method explained here Hope this helps
  12. baylisc

    prizm skimmer help

    Bump for ya as i am interested in this as well. Only suggestion i can make to you is do a search on these message boards for prizm skimmer. Good luck to ya
  13. baylisc

    Blue Legged or Scarlet Crabs

    I dont know anything about them except of what i have read on this web site here Says they are bold just like the blue legged hermits. anyone else have comments on this?
  14. baylisc

    Blue Legged or Scarlet Crabs

    I am no expert but i think you will get about the same answer from most people in here that the blue leggeds ARE little devils that eat snails. P.S. only reason i know that is because of these wonderfull forums
  15. baylisc

    New Tank Journal

    I love threads like this!! Thanks for the info J and please keep us informed. :D
  16. baylisc

    LS from LFS question

    would the water from the bag be better for the cycle?
  17. baylisc

    LS from LFS question

    So i buy 20 lbs of live sand in a bag. when i am putting the sand in the tank do i add the water that was included in the bag to? im guessing no but figured i would ask for advice from you all thanks
  18. baylisc

    Help me acclimate my new urchin. Let's do it.

    read the acclimation guide on this web site here . also you can find out how long you have to acclimate the urchin by searching for the type at the bottom of this page Thank you for this wealth of information saltwaterfish! good luck to ya
  19. baylisc

    No skimmer?

    lol, i understood you. THanks for the info. the plan would be 4 small fish. fyi in my mind i consider small fish 1 to 2 inches.
  20. baylisc

    No skimmer?

    I am planning on running a 30 gallon with 45 lbs of lr and about 15 lbs of LS (want no more then an inch of sand bed). I was reading the forums and saw that someone has a 20 gallon running with live rock and sand without a skimmer or filtration except the rock.. Link any thoughts on this? I...