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  1. shadowucd


    No, normally they do not proliferate that way.
  2. shadowucd

    Red and Green Algae

    Just as an aside here. One of the reasons that algae growth is so bad in fish tanks is that people overfeed their fish. The other thing I wanted to add was that I have been REALLY happy with using the ecological approach to any problems in my tanks. Like using algae eaters (turbo snails, astrea...
  3. shadowucd


    Red legged hermit crabs are rumored to eat cyanobacter. If you want to try an alternative to chemical warfare.
  4. shadowucd

    Which Crabs to get?

    I may be a bit weird but there are times that I enjoy the snails and crabs in my tank more than I do the fish. There are a lot of choices when it comes to snails. Turbo snails do a pretty good job. Astrea snails clean glass really well, but if they get upsidedown and you don't get there in time...
  5. shadowucd

    using real salt water

    I have been using sea water purchased from a store in Concord that gets its water from Bodega Bay here in CA. I have been using it for 8 months now and have yet to have any fish die. I don't have a problem with parasites or anything else. The only thing I can think of is that the specific...