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  1. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    Im gonna definately keep you guys posted on my 500 gal. Acrylic, do you know the web site or any contact info. for James at Envison? Is it here in southern California?
  2. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    Oh, and by the way... Acrylic, Ive looked at a lot of your posts on this site and you really sound like you know what your talking about. I really do appriciate the help. Your a flipping genious!!
  3. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    I love you guys!!!!! Im going to do a lot of homework for my new tank. Im getting my first house in about 2 months and I want to do something crazy. My fiance hates me for it... but Im going to knock out one of the walls to put a tank there. And by my measurments I could probably fit a 500-550...
  4. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    You totally blew me away Mandarin... I don't even know the difference between a refuge and a sump, I thought they were the same thing. I have all the space in the world so the skimmer can be any size. As far as other equipment... I planned on just having the skimmer, a top notch filter, a...
  5. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    Thanks Fishy, Ill definately take my time with the tank and figuring out what exactly I want to do with it. Do you know approximately what size the Sump tank should be? One of my friends told me about half that of the display tank... Also, any recomendations on filter choices, skimmers, pumps...
  6. piclife21

    Sump tanks and their importance

    I recently received a 60 gallon tank and thought I'd find out the importance of a sump tank. If I got one I would want to do it myself so I could understand the ins and outs. Also would like to know the importance of RO water and DI. Any pump, heating, lighting, or any componnet information...
  7. piclife21

    2nd tank & want to get off to a good start

    Hey guys, This is my second tank(60 gal), my friend gave me a Magnum 350 Convertible Cannister filter...should I stick with that one or get different one?? Also, I plan on using live sand and rock with many Anemone's of some sort but not sure what kind yet. Any advise on setting up the tank is...
  8. piclife21

    Hey all

    Is feeding them once a day fine? And what type of food do you suggest? Keep in mind I have 2 chocolate chip starfish in the tank as well. And I plan on getting an Angel fish. Thanks again!
  9. piclife21

    Hey all

    Ill definiatley go out and get a bigger heater and some buckets and hose for the water changes. It may be too late for my hippo cuz he does have those white spots on him already. A couple last questions... How do i fix my Nitrate problem and what color should it be? Also how do I fix my Ph...
  10. piclife21

    Hey all

    I am feeding them Frozen Formula two For Algea eating Fish right now. I feed them once day just one little pellet. I will definately get more live rock soon, so thanks for that comment. My filter is a "Fluval 304" I also have a 50 watt heater and a "Rio 90 Powerhead. I bought a basic home...
  11. piclife21

    Hey all

    well my tank is about 5 months old. i have a blue hippo tang in there and a clown fish...i used to have a yellow tang but it died a couple days ago. i also only have 3 rocks in there so im not sure if that makes a difference. the tank is 40 gallons. about 3 feet long and a foot and a half wide...
  12. piclife21

    Hey all

    Are my fish dying if there are signs of discoloration??