Sump tanks and their importance


New Member
I recently received a 60 gallon tank and thought I'd find out the importance of a sump tank. If I got one I would want to do it myself so I could understand the ins and outs. Also would like to know the importance of RO water and DI. Any pump, heating, lighting, or any componnet information would be great as well. I plan on having reef tank with many colorful fish. Finally, how many pounds of live rock should I keep in a 60 pound tank??
Thank you in advance!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Piclife21
I recently received a 60 gallon tank and thought I'd find out the importance of a sump tank. If I got one I would want to do it myself so I could understand the ins and outs. Also would like to know the importance of RO water and DI. Any pump, heating, lighting, or any componnet information would be great as well. I plan on having reef tank with many colorful fish. Finally, how many pounds of live rock should I keep in a 60 pound tank??
Thank you in advance!!
Pic, welcome to the boards

Ok the importance of one. Most people set one up to house all the equipment, pumps, heaters and so one where they do not have to put them in the display tank. 2nd reason is more water volume. More water=more stability.
RO/DI water. The most important, it's filtered so you do not have any junk that is in tap water. Using tap water can cause all sorts of other issues that may be hard to clear up. Bad algae, poor water quality and so on. Get ro/di for your tank, you will not regret it.
Equipment. Do a search on this site, there is plenty of info and suggestions out there. I would not suggest buying anything, I mean anything, unless you know what you are getting.
Live Rock. Most will suggest 1-2lbs per gallon.
Good job on doing research before jumping in.
Hope this starts you in the right direction.


New Member
Thanks Fishy,
Ill definately take my time with the tank and figuring out what exactly I want to do with it. Do you know approximately what size the Sump tank should be? One of my friends told me about half that of the display tank...
Also, any recomendations on filter choices, skimmers, pumps, heating(watts/gallon) or anything??
Again thanks for the help!

mandarin w

A sump doesn't have to be half of the dispay. A 29 or 20 will work fine with your set up. The key is, is to figure out what you what.
How big a skimmer, how big a space are you going to need for it.
What other type of equipment are you thinking of haveing there.
Do you want a refuge in your sump. what kind of return pump do you want. submersible or off to the side.
There is all kinds of equipment. First is to decide do you want a reef, or fish only. What kind of corals are you thinking of. softies, SPS, LPS. Each have their own needs. And if you get into the SPS or LPS's, go will have to keep track of a lot more parameter in your tank,
I only mention this because, you will want some room to maybe add equipment later.
But for starters, and 20 long would probly work great on a 60 gal.


New Member
You totally blew me away Mandarin...
I don't even know the difference between a refuge and a sump, I thought they were the same thing.
I have all the space in the world so the skimmer can be any size.
As far as other equipment... I planned on just having the skimmer, a top notch filter, a powerhead and a decent heater.
The return pump(im assuming returning from the sump to the display tank??) I would like to be submersed.
Im pretty sure Im going to have a reef tank, and as far as corals im not sure what SPS's and LPS's are.
Im kinda new to all of this... I do have a 40 gallon saltwater tank set up and it's doing perfect. Ive had it for about 6 months and put in a Blue hippo and Clownfish, added a couple of Chocolate Chip Starfish and a few Hermitt Crabs and Turbo Snails. And with about 75 pounds of LR, I think I may be done with that one for now... But Im really anxious on getting this 60 gallon going with the the works(RO/DI, Sump tank, everything)
Advise and experince wanted!!!!


Active Member
Correct any sump is better than none......It increases water volume, and will make things alittle easier IMO......Equipment is really a toss up, but like the advice given earlier do you homework before you buy.......At times price will be an issue on equipment, but don't let that always be the deciding factor if you buy it or not........There are so many different models of skimmers and such that it's hard to chose.....For smaller setups the AquaC would be a nice choice, but you should first decide if you going to run a system with a sump or without.....That will dictate somewhat of your skimmer choices......
Important equipment to me are RO/DI units......Alot of people are misinformed when it comes to these units, thinking they aren't that important or price is to much for water....The initial cost might seem high, but months down the road when you start to tally up what you've spent or might have lost due to skimping on this piece it will pay for itself.....Alot of people aren't aware that the higher GPD units you go you actually suffer some filter benefits......On units above 75gpd most only filter down to 92-94% of removal rate, whereas units 75gpd or down have removal rates close to 98%.......Most of the time we don't need that kind of water production that fast and think for what your loosing in filtering ability isn't really worth the size gain........

Skimmers again is a toss up.....AquaC you have a choice if you decide to run a sump or not they have different models, and if you choose to run a sump I'd recommend ASM due to personal experience and a reliable skimmer, not saying others aren't reliable as well......As a side note any tank will benefit from a skimmer, so don't let anyone persuade you that if you choose a FOWLR tank that a skimmer isn't important.....Even a FO tank will benefit from use of a skimmer....
Lighting needs really depends on what your planning on keeping.....If it's FO or FOWLR then lighting isn't as critical or costly as if planning for a reef tank.....Costs can be kept down if your a DIY or knowing where to look for quality equipment......MH's aren't a must for reef tanks, and they can be run with T5's with the use of the proper reflectors......IMO if you can't afford or don't want MH's then T5's would be the lighting source I would look into......
Heaters there are so many on the market, but I prefer the titanium heater over the glass, and look for heaters with temp controller as well.....My personal favorite is Jalli, but for glass heaters I always fall back to Ebo Jager heaters which have been around for ever and very reliable.....
Pumps are hard to say, but depends on the setup you have and what your planning to keep.......You have to look at tank turnover to get an idea where to start and the you have to take into account overflows and such, so there's a whole other realm to look into.......
Take your time and do your research and ask lots of questions......and just want to WELCOME you to the boards!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I love you guys!!!!!
Im going to do a lot of homework for my new tank.
Im getting my first house in about 2 months and I want to do something crazy.
My fiance hates me for it... but Im going to knock out one of the walls to put a tank there. And by my measurments I could probably fit a 500-550 gallon tank there. Does anybody know a place that has good deals on tanks??
Im in So. Cali.
Again, you guys are the best and im really glad to be apart of this site.


New Member
Oh, and by the way... Acrylic, Ive looked at a lot of your posts on this site and you really sound like you know what your talking about.
I really do appriciate the help. Your a flipping genious!!


Active Member
We all learn from each other here.....Check out GlassCages prices they are pretty good....I only would recommend his glass tanks....If your looking for acrylic I wouldn't deal with anyone other than James at Envision....his work is superior!!!!!
Big systems take lots of time, money and research and be prepared to ask and research alot of once ask a dozen questions.......
Hopefully I'll be able to resize some updated pics and get them posted here shortly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Piclife21
My fiance hates me for it... but Im going to knock out one of the walls to put a tank there. And by my measurments I could probably fit a 500-550 gallon tank there. Does anybody know a place that has good deals on tanks??
:scared: Holy Spitting Cobra's Batman....Hell I guess 'Go Big or Go Home"
wow...I wish I had that tank (much money)
Hell yeah.. Keep up posted on that..


New Member
Im gonna definately keep you guys posted on my 500 gal.
Acrylic, do you know the web site or any contact info. for James at Envison?
Is it here in southern California?


Active Member
Don't know exact towns.....with my business I deal with so many people out in Cal......I know he's on and has a thread over on ReefCentral, that's how I got in contact with him and was a big help and his tanks with musuem grade corners, are
totally incredible....His thread on ReefCentral is in the DIY and it's huge and it deals with acrylic work.