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  1. aprilabaxter

    Beth. Ick question

    I appreciate your response. Organi-cure is copper 1.25% and formaldehyde 17%. The only help I have had is the guy at the fish store. He says I should treat with that. I'm not sure I know enough to do the Hypo. This is a lot more complicated than I thought. I just tested and the following...
  2. aprilabaxter

    help bought used tank now have ick

    Please keep in mind I just syphoned 5 G off the sand and stirred things up about 3-4 hrs. ago so tank hasn't settled. Don't know if that would chg. the numbers or not. Am I suppose to be testing for anything else? Do they just get oxygen from the filter? Sorry to sound so dumb but I don't...
  3. aprilabaxter

    ick, the more I know the less I know

    I am trying to do the right thing. I have a 55 G with a yellow tang and peppermint shrimp, live rock. My tang has ick and I have been treating him with organi-cure. I don't have a Q tank. I have drained off 5 G water. I am thinking of doing hypo but not sure how and whether it will kill my...
  4. aprilabaxter

    help bought used tank now have ick

    I purchased the tank and transported the water then refilled it with the same water, sand and live rock. I let it run for a week and a half then added a damsel. It died. So I bought a test kit. My ph was off so I got something called 8.2. Everything went fine so I thought I would get a...
  5. aprilabaxter

    Beth. Ick question

    Can you tell me what you treated you tang with. I have a 55 G tank and my tang has ick as well. I have been treating him with organi-cure. I don't have a Q tank but he is the only fish I have so far. How long will it take for my tank to be safe after he is clear?
  6. aprilabaxter

    help bought used tank now have ick

    I purchased a 55 G tank 6 wks ago that had been circulating for 6 mos. I am totally new to saltwater and have a book I have been using "Your First Marine Aquarium." I started with 2 damsels a yellow tang and a peppermint shrimp. The Tang has ick (white spots, cloudy eyes) the shrimp looks...