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  1. salt55

    Good or bad algae??

    I recently returned to my apartment after being away for a week for christmas. My tank now has 6-8 spots of algae or coulerpa or something growing. It looks like patches of very fine grass flowing in the water. I like the way it looks. Is it good or bad or neutral? Thank you
  2. salt55

    Several Questions

    First of all, i have been noticeing some very tiny white start fish in my sand bed. They look just like my large brittle but very tiny. Are they babies, or just small sand type starfish, will they grow large? There seem to be alot of them. Are starfish did this happen if they...
  3. salt55


    I currently have a 55 gallonn reef that is slowly growing. Right now i have four corals a snowflake eel and a decent sized clean up crew. I am running a fluval 403 canister filter right now. I was wondering, as the reef grows and i add more corals and life should i think about upgrading...
  4. salt55

    Emerald Crabs

    Hey, has anyone else ever had problems keeping these guys alive? A while back i had 4 that came with a crew from here and a few days later they were never to be seen again. I jsut recently bought 3 more and the first night i lost one, woke up to find my biggest blue leg munchin on his insides...
  5. salt55

    Corals and Bubble algae

    No one knows anything about this....i see posts about bubble algae all the time so i know people have had it? Please help, id rather not loose both of my xenias if possible? Thank you.
  6. salt55

    Corals and Bubble algae

    Hey, i have recently noticed bubble algae growing in several spots in my 55 gallon reef. I purchased 3 emerald crabs and they havent touched it. I even saw one of them sitting right on top of it and he never at any. One of the buches of bubbles is at the base of my xenia and i have noticed...
  7. salt55

    Bright Green Algae

    Hey, i have this bright green algae dots that are growing all over my glass and rocks. It needs to be scraped off with a razor blade. THe glass stays clean for a few weeks then it comes back strong again. All my water parameters are good except my phosphates are really high. I am trying to...
  8. salt55

    bubble algae

    I recently have noticed small clusters of what i guess is bubble algae. They are tiny clusters of about 4-6 little dark green bubbles. Am i correct? If so, is it bad, i have never had any experiece with it. Thanks
  9. salt55

    To Carbon or not to Carbon

    I have a fluval 404 canister filter on my 55. I read on a container of carbon i bought that i shouldnt use carbon all the time. I just recently started keeping corals so it hasnt been a problem up until now. What do all of you think and do? thank you
  10. salt55

    Unknown Critters

    I recently have noticed a bunch of little critters running all over my rock and glass. I know it is difficult without a picture but ill try my best. They are whitish in color and about 2 mm long. Easy to see. Up close they look like they have two longer antennae and then little hairs all...
  11. salt55

    Green Algae

    I recently got done curing a red slime algae problem. Now my tank looks almost worse. I have tons of the bright green algae blooms all over the glass and also just below the sand level. These are the kind that are hard to clean off, not the type that can easily be just wiped clean. Im not...
  12. salt55

    Quarantine Question

    Ive read several posts about quarantining new fish...what is the procedure exactly for doing this. thank you
  13. salt55

    Eels And Ick

    Hey, i know eels dont get ick but i was wondering if they can act as a host if i am trying to let ick starve out of my tank? Thanks for any help
  14. salt55

    Reef Tank Crash

    Thats what i figured. I got home from work today and had lost my tomato and yellow tang. One left....the original hippo. Oh well. What kinds of corals do you suggest to help my tank fill in a little. My corals now are small. I want to get it looking fuller. What are some of the best fast...
  15. salt55

    Reef Tank Crash

    Well, i just got done curing a terrible red slime problem. I ended up having to change about 50% of the water and treat the tank. I then refilled it with RO water, PH 8.2, SG 1.024, everything else low. Then i worked on raising my alkalinity and calcium with Sea Chem Reef Builder and Calcium...
  16. salt55

    Reef Tank Crash

    Well, since before i can remember i have wanted a hippo tang for my tank. I finally got one, one day on an impulse. He was the best addition i had made to my tank yet. A few days later he developed ick. Then it went away...great!! No signs of it. Well....that was just the beginning. He...
  17. salt55

    Red Hair algae - Who eats it?

    Hey i have a 55 gallon beginner reef aquarium and i have a red hair algae outbreak. I am in the process of clearing it up but i was just curious what inverts will specifically help clean some of it up for me? THanks alot
  18. salt55

    New to corals

    Hey, i have had my 55 gallon fish only tank up and running for about 9 months. i have had fairly good luck with it, some fatalities but none that were controllable by me. I recently purchased lighting to support corals. I would just like some input on which corals to start out with. What are...
  19. salt55

    Moving Tank Please Help

    I have a 55 gallon Fish only with live rock tank. I have a yellow tang, tomato clown, two chromis, a coral beauty, and a snowflake eel. At the end of this month i am moving, only about 20 minutes up the road, but still far enough. I need any tips with moving my set up. When i fill it back up...
  20. salt55

    Anemones and lighting

    im thinking about one that will host my tomato clown, which ones will do this. THanks