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  1. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Thank you! Finally someone creditable agrees with me! Wonder at what size I should start being concerned? Any idea?
  2. kc

    clams , maxima? or what

    Yeah! Go ahead. Spend a few clams... get a Nissan! Light blue. hm If it works for you, go for it!
  3. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Anyway, isn't the cheetah the fastest creature in the animal kingdom? hahahahaha Seriously, my LFS and friends tell me to be wary of their growth... maybe at 6". Another quote among many(You lov'em, right?): "More than one unwary diver ... has lost a finger to the mantis shrimp's lightning...
  4. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    I used chopsticks to hold frozen food in front of Froufrou's favorite exit. He slowly moved out then ATTACKED it! The "clacking" sound was LOUD!!! I checked the chopsticks but there were no marks. They can break glass. Check out this:
  5. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    :o Sorry, Jimi! :o My reply was intended for krzzydart about my m. shrimp. I fully intend to get rid of those evil anemones! Thanks very much for that advice! I've already gotten a couple of syringes. Think i'll try the kalk before ordering from my LFS. I'll certainly let y'all know how it...
  6. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Hey, Jimi, that's just mean!!! :( The difference is that I want to keep my mantis shrimp. I suppose a tank with thicker glass is the answer, although someone reommended a plexiglass tank. Sounds a bit...errr...fishy to me. :rolleyes:
  7. kc

    the wrong coraline is taking over!!!

    Just passing on some info that a fellow customer at LFS showed me. Pull out a piece and compare the surface of each type. Also, try and scratch some off. If it breaks off in sheets/patches, it's probably not coraline. Is this true? I've got the a bit of it in my tank.
  8. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    No way! They're sweet, little pets! ;) This particular tank was set up specifically for Mr. Froufrou and Satan. It's all in how you look at it... if it's in the tank, it's potentially dinner. I keep the boys well-fed, so they basically leave the everyone else alone. They do smash the live rock...
  9. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    No way! They're sweet, little pets! ;) This particular tank was set up specifically for Mr. Froufrou and Satan. It's all in how you look at it... if it's in the tank, it's potentially dinner. I keep the boys well-fed, so they basically leave the everyone else alone. They do smash the live rock...
  10. kc


    Spionidae worms... very intereting in deed. First a pic: My search reveals they are segmented worms, a species of Polychaeta. Check this out And finally "These worms are quite small...
  11. kc

    Reason number 37,250 not to shop at petkill(*****)

    No offense, but ***** sux! I ran in this morning for food for my pet mammal. They had about 8-10 saltwater tanks... only 2 had water/fish in them... and they're set up with this tiny canister sitting out on the floor. The guy said that all the fish just starting dying. And he was willing to...
  12. kc


    Very cool, Bud! The vermetid snail "appears" more active so is more fun to watch. But the spionidae worm... thanks, again, Sammy!!!... seems to be able to handle his tentacles unbelivably well. Today when the snail was pulling in his meal, a tiny blue-leg decided to join him. The snail didn't...
  13. kc


    In addition to the mucus strands, the white SNAIL seems to have 2 lloonngg tentacles! These are certainly retractable. It's able to move them all around but doesn't use them for gathering food. Last night the larger, brown one caught a big chunk of plankton. It was cool watching him try to eat that!
  14. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    LFS didn't have any. Didn't think to ask him to order it. Thanks for the suggestion about the syringe, too. I'll let know if it works!
  15. kc

    lots of bubbles on the sand and rock

    are these like little baloons or definitely air bubbles?
  16. kc


    Thanks, Sammy! I was just looking at those same pics! Actually, I had 3, but one of my urchins, aka bulldoser, broke 2 and 1 apparently never recovered or moved elsewhere. Actually it probably got eaten! My killer shrimp don't miss much!
  17. kc

    advise that does not sit well with me.

    How can I not jump in on this one?????? Everybody...myself included... loves to talk about testing. This worked on my 55 gal at home so I tried it on my office tank. First month, test it weekly, then once a month for the next three months, then annually. If a fish disappears or something big...
  18. kc


    Thanks for the info!!! I'm going to look for some pics! Of course they're not gills for breathing, but they are sometimes referred to as gills because of the diffusion process.
  19. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Please tell me more. How does it work? Where can I get it? Also this tank is at my office. Despite my mantis shrimp, my tank is teaming with life! Damsels, crabs, urchin, polyps... you know. I assume this won't compromise the other creatures. My aiptasia was about 2" extended. A coworker had...
  20. kc

    They should all die...die, I say...

    Okay. Everybody deals with them sooner or later. My office aquarium (7 gal eclipse) is becoming infested with aptaisia anemones. My coworkers think they are beautiful and so interesting. Ha. My live rock is very alive and I like it that way! I'm interested in some suggestions on how to...