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  1. beerkegman

    Sand bottom vs. bare bottom

    Bare bottem tanks are the way to go. As for how the rock stays in place just start stacking. The rock satys in place and does not move. Try to place some bigger pieces on the bottom with nice flat area. It might take you a little time to find rock but it will be well worth it.
  2. beerkegman

    ISO of FRAG

    Im not a FRAG FREAK. Imnot into trading frags. Im only looking to get this one piece to get it started in my tank of leathers.
  3. beerkegman

    Soft Corals Question ????????????

    Thanks for the info. Im a water change freak. I change 5 to 10 gallons of water in my tank 3 to 4 time a week. I also turn my t big main power heads off at night to giive my soft sorals a chance to relax. I started doing this about 2 weeks ago and WOW!!! do they look awsome. I will try to post...
  4. beerkegman

    ISO of FRAG

    I am in surch of a frag or a nice size piece for Purple finger leather. Is there any one that has a piece I can buy or trade for? Im in Allentown, Pa.
  5. beerkegman

    Soft Corals Question ????????????

    In the last several weeks I have started to weed out my stoney corals and replace them with soft corals. I realy like the leathers. I have one question. What are the best suppplemelts I can add to my tank to make my leathers realy flurish. Dont get me wrong every thing looks awsome in my tank...
  6. beerkegman

    Id Please

    Its what they call a blue coral.
  7. beerkegman

    Check This Out Purple Toadstool

  8. beerkegman

    Check This Out Purple Toadstool

    I was at my LFS and found this purple toadstool in one of their reef tanks.
  9. beerkegman

    Leather ID Please

    the LFS I purchased this at buys nothing that is dyed in color.
  10. beerkegman

    Leather ID Please

    this coral is so deep dark purple and awsome. I never ever seen on like this before.
  11. beerkegman

    Leather ID Please

    I was at my LFS and was looking in the coral tanks and found this awsome purple/bluish colored leather it is sort of likr a toadstool but im not sure.
  12. beerkegman

    Hawkfish Question

    I have a Pixy Hawkfish in my 16 gallon Tank. Can I put a Long Nose Hawkfish in with him? The Pixy has been in their all by his self for about two weeks now and im looking to add a friend for him to hang out with.
  13. beerkegman

    Snow Flake Eel in my 16 Gallon Tank

    Would it be OK to put a snow flake eel in a 16 gallon tank?
  14. beerkegman

    Working on a 16 Gallon Seahorse Tank HELP NEEDED

    The tanks ia ready to go. Fist thing Saturday morning I will be placing the crushed coral on the bottom and filling the tank using water from my other reef tanks. I plan on letting the tank run for 2 to 3 weeks before adding the seahorses. Do you think I should add any power heads to the tank ...
  15. beerkegman

    Working on a 16 Gallon Seahorse Tank HELP NEEDED

    For my rock I am going to use Tonga Branch and the fether dusters are a good idea. I was also thinking some coco worms would work well. But im still thinking about using some finger leathers. The tonga branch will provide the seahorses with lots of area to grab on to.
  16. beerkegman

    Working on a 16 Gallon Seahorse Tank HELP NEEDED

    Im looking for a little help. I purchased a 16 gallon bow front tank and have everything ready to go to start assembling the tank. Im looking for some help on the following: 1. Water flow. How much water flow will I need? Gental, Mild or Strong 2. What are the best corals to place in the tank...
  17. beerkegman

    Blue Chin Triggers

    Please post you picture of your Blue Chin Trigger. I just place my blue chin in my tank yesterday. I will post some pictures later today.
  18. beerkegman

    Check this out

    Here are some new corals I got this weekend.
  19. beerkegman

    RIP My Atlantic Blue Tang

    Yesterday when I I came home from work I went in to feed my fish and everything was fine. my atlantic bleu tang was happy as could be and swimming around and eating everything in sight. I went to the LFS and came home. When I came home I checked on my tank and NO blue tang. So I got a little...
  20. beerkegman

    Awsome find at LFS (Acanthastrea)

    I did not have a chance yesterday to post a picture. I will make this the first thing I do when I get home today.