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  1. matthrushford

    Question For Nano's

    I Recently Got My 24g Nano Cube I Have 20lbs Of Live Sand And About 30lbs Of Live Rock Should I Take Anything Out Such As The Bio Balls, Rings Or Either Of The Two Sponges(one Near Water Intake And Other Is Above Bio Balls
  2. matthrushford


    thats what i thought but he told me that my tank might not cycle. Whatever that means?
  3. matthrushford


    i spoke to our live fish store. he told me after i add my live and live rock to add a couple snails and crabs then to watch my levels. Should i do that or filter clam etc?
  4. matthrushford

    Question! Nano

    Corals And Reefs And Polyps A Couple Small Fish And Some Shrimp
  5. matthrushford

    Question! Nano

    Just Got My 24g Nano Cube Above The Bioballs There Is A Sponge. Do I Remove This? There Is Also A Sponge Where The Water Comes Into The Filter Compartment. I Know To Keep That. I Should Probably Keep Both Correct?
  6. matthrushford

    question about 24g nano

    how far do i fill up the tank? i am asking because do i go above the nozzle that the water comes out filtered?
  7. matthrushford

    Stupid question.....

    if one live rock piece is too big can i take a hammer and chisel to make smaller?
  8. matthrushford

    Stupid question.....

    Just recieved my live rock and finally my tank today. i am going to set up my tank w/ live sand then add water then add some salt and wait until my salinity is just right. can i have the live rock in while doing this or should i wait until salinity level is right then put them in? thanks in advance
  9. matthrushford

    Okay Guys Listen To This...

    i did what all of you said. i have my live rock in a bucket w/ the correct salinity level, the heater, and air rock pump. i am good for how long do you think?
  10. matthrushford

    Important Question....

    i have the heater
  11. matthrushford

    2 questions....

    what is the difference between aquacultured and wild clownfish? also could i have 2 clowns and 2 damsels in my tank or will they fight?
  12. matthrushford

    Important Question....

    i have some bad news. looks like my live rock i ordered will be here before my tank. my tank is now rescheduled. will my live rock be okay in a bucket of water? i dont have any powerheads or filter yet.
  13. matthrushford

    Advice On How To Stack Liverock?

    Anybody Have Some Tips On What Ways I Should Stack 25lbs Of Live Rock In My 24g Nano. Thanks
  14. matthrushford

    Should I Get A Timer For My Nano

    How Many Pounds Of Live Rock Do You Recommend For My 24g Nano?
  15. matthrushford

    Should I Get A Timer For My Nano

    Should I Get A Timer For Each Light? Ex.. Day And Night?
  16. matthrushford

    Should I Get A Timer For My Nano

    Should I Get A Timer For My Nano? It Has Day Lights And Night Lights.
  17. matthrushford

    Question About Liverock For My 24g Nano

    I Have A 24g Nano Tank How Many Pounds Of Live Rock Does Anybody Recommend?
  18. matthrushford

    Quick Question Needs To Be Answered Please!

    TO START MY TANK WHAT IS BETTER FOR MY 24G NANO??? Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Sand OR WHITE FIJI LIVE REEF SAND
  19. matthrushford

    2 Questions...............

    thanks everyone
  20. matthrushford

    2 Questions...............

    A 24g nano can hold approx. 4 fish should i just do all clown fish. if so can i do different breeds?