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  1. ottbry

    condy shrinking

    Well It's alive. The shrinking was just normal. The thing is though, it isn't looking as healthy as it should be. It's tips are getting shriveled. The rest of it is pretty full, and it is eating, but I'm still a bit worried.
  2. ottbry

    condy shrinking

    So, I've got a condylactus anenome, and i couldn't find him. I moved all of my rocks and found him stuck to one, he turned green and shrunk to about a quarter of his size. I know they release water and shrink at night, but this is really drastic. i've only had him two days, and he ate once. I'm...
  3. ottbry

    Dying foxface

    Okay, So, as of now, everything is completely normal. the temp is back up, and all of my fish are solid. As far as the tang's spot is concerned, i think i was just being paranoid. he has a long lighter spot on his side, and I think it was just a trick of the light and me freaking out. I don't...
  4. ottbry

    Dying foxface

    All of my other fish are acting perfectly fine, and he was completely ich free.
  5. ottbry

    Dying foxface

    The acclimation didn't go well because I got him set in the tank and realized the temp was way low. I just moved from a fifty five to a ninety recently, and i was still waiting for the new heater to ship. the old one was doing fine, but last night must have been really cold. I got the new heater...
  6. ottbry

    Dying foxface

    Well, never mind about a lot of that stuff, i went down just now and it was dead. I still would like to figure out what happened. Now, I haven't done a full on water test in quite a while, but none of my fish or inverts have been acting out of character until today. I did do a test strip, and...
  7. ottbry

    Dying foxface

    So, the title pretty much says it, my foxface is dying. I don't know why. I just got him today, the acclimation didn't go exactly as planned, but he was doing fine for about five hours. After that he got dark, he his spines started flaring, and he lays on the bottom puffing hard. sometimes he...
  8. ottbry

    Ich and quarantine questions

    Okay, so now I can't find my clownfish at all. I looked all around, I fed them, I even moved all my rock and checked my overflw. Now, if he is dead, should I treat my other fish? None of them are showing signs of anything, and they're all just ss chipper as ever.
  9. ottbry

    Ich and quarantine questions

    Also, i'll do my best to get some good pics.
  10. ottbry

    Ich and quarantine questions

    As a cure, yes I've read a little about it. 1.009 salinity, if I remember right, but won't that hurt my inverts? My clown was acting fine until just a few hours ago I noticed he got really lethargic between feedings. Around three he was fine and exited about being fed, but then at eight, he...
  11. ottbry

    Ich and quarantine questions

    Okay, I took a look at those pictures and it looks like my clown has the first one listed, the brooklynella or whatever. My cardinal has white spots, but I'm like 95 percent sure that's just how its colored. I do have live rock, and I measure with with a hydrometer even though I should get a...
  12. ottbry

    Ich and quarantine questions

    Okay, just to start off, I think my fish might have ich, but I've never actually seen ich before, so I'm having trouble telling. What I'm wondering is first off, how do I tell completely for sure that it is ich? Secondly, is there any way for them to recover naturally, like if they were...
  13. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    Cool. I probably won't add any fish until I move to my bigger tank, but it'll be nice to have this small one up and running. So, I've confirmed that I have two tiny starfish and one, maybe two snails, also tiny. what do you think the odds are that they'll survive the cycling process? I mean, I...
  14. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    Cool. And with the shrimp, I should see a spike in the ammon, then it should go down and the nitrites will go up, then they will go down and the nitrates will go up. Then whst? I figure a water change will take care of the nitrates, but what comes after that?
  15. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    All right, I'll look into getting a refractometer then. Back to the lights though, how long should I keep them on?
  16. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    Yeah, its the compact fluorescent. It's actually 10,000k, so way too much I suppose. As far as oxygenation goes, I've got a 14 inch airstone running. I've been getting my water from meijer at the culligan machine, so yeah it is ro. I've got a hundred fifty gallons worth of top fin sea salt, and...
  17. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    I've just got a hang on the back filter right now it's rated for at least thirty gallons, so it should be more than good for my ten. I've just got it running on two sponges and some ceramic media. with the lighting i've got two little 50/50s. As far as running the lights goes, how long should I...
  18. ottbry

    Overall startup help

    Okay, I've finally started my aquarium, and It seems to be going well, i just need to get some clarification on a few things. First off, my situation right now is a rock only 10 gallon aquarium. I decided to start small because i still have to get a stand built for my ninety, i have some live...
  19. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Also, as far as drilling goes, where would be a good place to go? And would a twenty gallon high be able to be drilled? I looked on the tank and it didn't say it was tempered, but I looked online and got mixed results.
  20. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Oh, why is that?