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  1. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Okay, I've worked out a new design. There it is. I've included the main tank and stuff into this diagram, and a lot of the important dimensions are correct. I really liked the sound of the two chamber thing that beaslbob suggested, but I'm really picky so instead of tubs...
  2. ottbry

    overflow gph questions

    Okay, I've got a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do as far ad filtration goes, but now I've got an overflow question. Okay, I've got a store bought overflow box that is going to drain into my filter. It's going to have a 25 ish inch drop to the top of the wet dry tower thing, plus another...
  3. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Okay, I've got a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do as far ad filtration goes, but now I've got an overflow question. Okay, I've got a store bought overflow box that is going to drain into my filter. It's going to have a 25 ish inch drop to the top of the wet dry tower thing, plus another...
  4. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Okay, I'm liking the ideas that I'm getting here, but I'm really persnickity about appearance, so I'll probably take things that I like and put them in an aquarium instead of a trash can or tub. But yeah, here's what I've got worked out so far. It's really rough because...
  5. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Cool! I haven't gotten a skimmer yet, so I can just get one to suit my needs. I like the sound of the setup you suggested, but is there anything I can do about the excess of nitrate? Also, would it work if I put a little refugium in it?
  6. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Well, I was more interested in the rest of it. Sorry, I should've specified that a bit better. I was going to title the thread DIY sump, but I wasn't sure if the whole thing was called a sump or. If that was just the part with the return pump and whatnot. But really I just want to do what's best...
  7. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Well, I'm going with wet dry because I've already got this. I got it with my aquarium for a pretty good deal. I was hoping to stay away from the trash can kind of set up, just for aesthetics. I was kind of thinking about putting a refugium chamber in the set up. Would...
  8. ottbry

    Diy wet dry

    Okay, so I've got a ninety gallon aquarium and I want to build a wet dry system for it. I want to put it in a 20 gallon long, but I'm a bit worried that it won't be big enough. I did a bit of math, and it looks like if the pump stops, nine gallons will drain out of the tank, so I would only be...
  9. ottbry

    Refugium or sump or whatever.

    So, I just got a ninety gallon aquarium, and I want to make it saltwater. It came with part of a trickle filter, the tower part with the bio balls and the piece with the holes and what have you. I used to know the names for all of this, but I've lost it in the last little while so bear with me...
  10. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    What is CUC?
  11. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, as I very well may be, but I'm pretty sure the live rock goes in before the fish. If that's the case, do I put it in first thing, or after the shrimp when the levels all balance out?
  12. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 after you add a piece of raw shrimp ( roughly 1 medium sized shrimp for a 55 gallon), first your ammonia should spike, then your nitrite should spike, and then your nitrates should spike, thus the "cycle"... after the nitrates spike, it's safe to add a...
  13. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 ottbry- do you know about tank cycling yet? I do, but I was under the impression that damsels were the best fish to use. I don't like the little jerks any more than most of you guys do, so what else would be good?
  14. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    Also, what is LFS? I've got a feeling it doesn't mean linux from scratch.
  15. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    Awesome! Thanks. I considered having coral, but I decided against it. Would I be able to add it later on down the road if I changed my mind?
  16. ottbry

    So, I need help with starting my aquarium.

    I've got a 55 gallon aquarium that I want to make saltwater. I've got a basic understanding of how to start it, but I'm not clear on what all I need. I just want to be really sure that my idea for the setup is right before I start killing expensive fish. I was thinking as far as filtration and...