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  1. bslate

    New member sharing pics

    What size is your tank?
  2. bslate

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

    I would start out by adding a yellow tang, they make a great addition. I have to false percs and a yellow tang in a 55 gal and they get along perfect.
  3. bslate

    New Corals

    Columbus, IN. Would any hard corals be okay or should I just stick to the soft. I placed some Xenia in my tank about 3 days ago and it seems to be doing really well.
  4. bslate

    Green Algae

    I have had them on for about 12 to 14 hours a day for the past 5 days. This is probably why. I love the way the new light looks though.
  5. bslate


    Why is it that people always say, Make sure when you handle LR you are wearing gloves. Does it have something to do with the possible coral?
  6. bslate

    Green Algae

    Ever since I got a 130 W compact light, My tank is growing green algae on the glass. I tried cleaning it off but it doesn't just wipe off. I had to scrub it. Does anybody know why this might be happening. The light I had before was just a regular fluorecent light and I never had this problem.
  7. bslate

    New Corals

    Would Green Ricordea be okay in my tank? I love the way it looks!
  8. bslate

    Coraline Algae

    I definitly like the colors on the rocks! It brings a new look to my tank.
  9. bslate

    New Corals

    I have had my 55 gal tank up and running now for about 9 months. I just bought a 130w Lunar compact light, and as far as I know, I am now ready to start getting some coral. I don't know what corals will do good with this type of lighting. I have plenty of water movement. Anybody have...
  10. bslate

    Coraline Algae

    I have had an outbreak of all kinds of red and pink coraline algae. It is growing all over the place. It is on my LR and small circles of it all over the glass. Is there anything I can buy to help keep the algae off the glass. I want to keep it on the rocks and if it is going to kill it as...
  11. bslate

    PH and Alkalinity

    I am fairly new to this but this a couple things I am not sure of. What is a good PH and Alk? How do you raise and lower PH? How do you raise and lower Alk?