Coraline Algae


New Member
I have had an outbreak of all kinds of red and pink coraline algae. It is growing all over the place. It is on my LR and small circles of it all over the glass. Is there anything I can buy to help keep the algae off the glass. I want to keep it on the rocks and if it is going to kill it as well then I will just continue to scrape it off the glass with a razor.


Coraline algae is great. Many can't get it to grow. I just had to scrap it off. I cleaned my front glass every day and that kept it off. The sides I let it cover.


Do you have a urchin. My urchin spread mine everywhere. Scrape it...any that you do helps to spread the spores.
But my urchin did the work for me. It needs a lot of light, not sure what your setup is.