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  1. mabee

    What can i get that will eat this

    Thanks everyone I do have a skimmer and a cascade 1000 that i just added today I have 52 blue legged 1 zebra and about 4 red legged crabs 2 Emerald crabs 5 Nassarius Snails 5 Astraea Snails I had a sand sifting star but returned it today after reading about how it killed beneficial...
  2. mabee

    What can i get that will eat this

    Thanks all soo much for all your intput I really appreciate it. This is what I've done so far: Lowered my lighting to 6 hours (5 hours of daylight) doing more water changes Feeding less I got 2 emeralds and a fox face, not only because i want them to eat my algae but i really liked the look...
  3. mabee

    What can i get that will eat this

    Ok thanks guys, I do feed a little more than what is probably needed (father syndrom I guess) so I'll cut it down for sure. I have TEK 5 lights but the bulbs are a little over a year can that have something to do with it at all? I'm replcing them tomorrow but I was told at the local fish store...
  4. mabee

    What can i get that will eat this

    Hi, I have had my reef now for a little over a year and I have had this algae growth that I doesn't get eaten by my emerald crabs, scarlet hermit crabs and the various snails i got. is there anything specific that I can get that will graze this down because I hate it. My tank is a 55 g so how...
  5. mabee

    Angel and brain

  6. mabee

    Angel and brain

    Hi First of all I don't know if this is the right section for this so I appologize if I'm wrong. I have an Emperor angel and I recently added an orange brain to my aquarium and he opened up the first night so I fed him some silverside. Since then he have never opened again (roughly 2-3 weeks)...
  7. mabee

    My female clown jumped out

  8. mabee

    My female clown jumped out

    I woke up this morning and did what I normally do in the mornings, I go to my aquarium and look at my fish. This morning I couldn't see both my clowns in the tank and when I look down I see that my female clown had jumped out over night and ended up on the floor Now I was wondering if this...
  9. mabee

    Is the bubble bad???

    any suggestions on how to pick it off without poppin it? :thinking:
  10. mabee

    Is the bubble bad???

    ok thanks
  11. mabee

    Could someone please help identify

    thanks guys I appreciate it
  12. mabee

    Is the bubble bad???

    do I need to do something about it?? like pop it Will my cleaning crue take care of it??
  13. mabee

    Could someone please help identify

    Hi again :) Could someone please tell me the name of this one it slipt my mind... Martin
  14. mabee

    Is the bubble bad???

    Hi I found this in my tank today and I don't think it's a good thing. What should i do with the bubble?? :help: Martin
  15. mabee

    Is the bubble bad???

    sorry wrong section
  16. mabee

    Lunar lights in a TEK T5

    the lunar lights Measures 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1" high. TEK T5 fixture: Dimensions: 47" x 12" x 2.5" (L x W x H) hope someone has some bright ideas
  17. mabee

    Lunar lights in a TEK T5

    Hi I just bought a TEK T5 fixture and then I ordered two Lunar lights from drs website (the ones that links together). "Create custom nocturnal lighting conditions. Compact, expandable modules utilize less than 1 watt of power. Simply mount to your existing hood or canopy using included screw...
  18. mabee

    TEK T5 or Nova Extreme T5 ??

    Thanks everyone I really appreciate it I just found out today that Geisemann are out of their 6k daylight bulb and it's not expected back in stock for 2-4 weeks Well well atleast I know what to get so that makes life a little easier :cheer: Thanks again guys you are awesome :jumping...
  19. mabee

    TEK T5 or Nova Extreme T5 ??

    I'm still kind of confused with the bulbs. What bulbs from WHERE? and why I've read about a lot of people using Actinic blue 03 but that wasn't on the list above. I'm getting the TEK T5 4x 54W one so what four bulbs would be the best. And if someone else could confirm the shimmer I would be...