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  1. jewaters

    Is there something wrong with my anemome?

    all of them. 4 bulbs, 65 watts, white and blue.
  2. jewaters

    Is there something wrong with my anemome?

    Have had this anenome for a couple months now and has done great. Yesterday we added a feather duster, two emerald crabs, some hermit crabs and snails and star fish. We also pu in new light bulbs. Tonight the ends of some of it's tentacles look curled up and have gone translucent. Is there a...
  3. jewaters

    Condi Anenome and Sandshifter starfish...who is eating who?

    I bought a sandshifter starfish and a condi anenome about a week ago. The starfish has been all over the tank and then disappeared a couple days ago into the sand. Only a couple of his leg tips were sticking up out of the sand. Today I came home to find he was inside my anenome. I got the...
  4. jewaters

    Confused....Why don't my invetebrates survive?

    Thanks. The color card for the Nitrate goes from 0 ppm to 5.0 ppm. Nitrate between 0 and 5.0. We have some zoanthids coral. One yellow tang, 2 clown, 1 damsel, 2 cardinals, 4 chromis and one skooter blenny. We have two curly Q anenomes. One is hugh and doing great. I though the smaller one...
  5. jewaters

    Confused....Why don't my invetebrates survive?

    Confused. I have a 55 gal tank since November. My water levels are good and consistent. Nitrate 0 - 5.0 ppm, amonia 0, alkalinity 232.7, phosphate .25 and ph 8.2. Water temperature 78-79, salinity 1.023. We had two feather duster which both died after about six weeks. Two cleaner clams...
  6. jewaters

    How do you tell if a cleaner clam is dead?

    Put two cleaner clams in our 55g tank about three weeks ago. They have been buried in the sand ever since we got them. However, the other day one dug himself out. He was moving around the tank for about a day. Now he is just laying there closed. How can I tell if he is dead?
  7. jewaters

    slimmy film forming on top of tank - What is it?

    Thanks. I have a Fluval 304 filter, protein skimmer and a 1250 gph powerhead. Typically run the powerhead twice a day for 15-20 min at a time. Just adjusted it so it's circulating the top of the tank more. Seems to be working :) Thanks again!
  8. jewaters

    slimmy film forming on top of tank - What is it?

    I have a 55 gal reef tank. It's been up an running for about four months now. Everything is doing great. Just checked the water parameters yesterday and everything is great. However, have been noticing a clear/whitish film on top. When I net it off the top it looks like snot (sorry, just...
  9. jewaters

    Can I add a Goby to my 55g reef tank if I have a blenny?

    I have a 55g reef tank. Currently have two clowns, one damsel, one tang, two cardinals, four green chromis, and one scooter blenny and two curly q anenomes and several small zoanthids corals. Would a goby get along with the blenny if I add to the tank?
  10. jewaters

    New Curly Q anenomes food

    Received two curly q anenomes in my reef package. The larger one placed itself to a rock at the front of the tank in full view. It stayed there for about 24 hours and then scooted down in between two rocks. I only see a few of its tentacles sticking out. The 2nd one has been hiding in the...