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  1. 400galloncharlie

    Queen Angel

    Get the dead fish out of the tank!!!!! May it rest in peace. . . .
  2. 400galloncharlie

    Queen Angel

    If the ammonia levels are moving, something is wrong with your water. I hate to say it, but I'd probably remove all the fish if your ammonia is registering. . . .sounds like the tank remains unstable .. .
  3. 400galloncharlie

    Another Fish?

    Thanks ophiura, you got IFS right; all levels are perfect except for (you guessed it) nitrate, which is always around 10. BTW, at what ppm level will 'trates really start to impact (or, worse yet, kill) inverts, such as a Sally Lightfoot Crab?
  4. 400galloncharlie

    Another Fish?

    Hello, It's been a while, but I need everyone's help again. Based on the tank info below, does anyone perceive a problem with adding another fish to the mix? If you were to add a fish, what would it be? Many thanks. I have a 75 gallon IFS tank (10 of the gallons form the filtration chambers...
  5. 400galloncharlie

    Does dried seaweed increase nitrate levels?

    I haven't posted for a long while until today . . . spurred by my new acquisition yesterday of a yellow eye kole tang. My question is: I purchased some dried red and green seaweed which you're supposed to tear off and clip to the inside of your tank for tangs to graze on. My kole tang seems...
  6. 400galloncharlie

    Recommended PH Levels in Reef

    I'm sure this has been covered before, but the search function is unable to perform a search for "PH." Anyway, what is the recommended PH level for a reef-type set-up? Thank you. I have a tomato clown, an exquisite wrasse, a yellow-eye kole tang (just got him), a cleaner shrimp, a sally...
  7. 400galloncharlie

    New Puffer doesnt want to eat...

    Those damsels will become food at some point.
  8. 400galloncharlie

    Fish for 120gal

    Obviously don't buy any fish until after you change your substrate and give the tank a little while to re-gain any stability that was lost in connection with the change. Re: snowflakes and crabs: I had a snowflake for many years without crabs-will a snowflake pose a threat to very hard...
  9. 400galloncharlie

    Live Rock

    Although with livestock already in the tank, it is always good to err on the side of caution and "re-cure" any cured live rock shipped to you before putting it in the tank, instructions from a very reputable LR dealer who is also a doctor indicates that, if your "cured" LR is Fed Ex'd next day...
  10. 400galloncharlie

    Cleaning Live Sand

    Thanks guys! Result: Sand is looking clean, with no sand (or critters) lost.
  11. 400galloncharlie

    Ok guys major problem, please let me know what your suggestions are..

    Also, what kind of water did you fill up the 120 with? Was it RO water or water that was treated with Prime or the like and left sit for as long as possible? Many water sources have fairly high amounts of ammonia.
  12. 400galloncharlie

    Cleaning Live Sand

    That's a great idea NM Reef--to gently loosen the algae so you don't need to suck up much, if any sand. I won't tell Sammy that you gave me the advice. Thanks again.
  13. 400galloncharlie

    Cleaning Live Sand

    Thanks Sammy for answering the question. It's an average of two inches deep (it's pretty flat, but not completely). I would like to get rid of any phosphate build-up now, but, based on your advice (and subject to any response based on the sand depth I've noted), I'll probably just use a net to...
  14. 400galloncharlie

    Cleaning Live Sand

    Hello all. I've made a few posts and some of you may know by now that I've gotten back into the hobby after a few years away. My old tanks used to have crushed coral, which I used to clean in connection with water changes by using one of the modified siphon tools that was wider at the bottom...
  15. 400galloncharlie

    Tiny Starfish on LR

    Hello all. I recently got back into this hobby after a pretty long hiatus (used to have a few FO aggressive tanks). I have a 75 gallon set up in my office, w/ "live" sand. I set the tank up in late Feb. and am cycling the old fashioned way. I have a couple snails, a couple small hermits (all...
  16. 400galloncharlie

    help me decide,...triggers...or a reef??????

    Actually, the only two triggers that are recommended (for life) in that size tank are the Blue Throat and Undulated. If you want a long-term set-up, you probably would not want to add more than one or two other fish, which wuld have to be able to fend for themselves (which, if you pick the...
  17. 400galloncharlie

    moving tank questons

    The live sand will not die no matter what you do in a 7 mile move (assuming you do not pollute it).
  18. 400galloncharlie

    Cycling with Crabs and Snails

    Hello, I'm back into the game after many years off. What are the dangers of starting the ammonia cycle with snails and some small (shelled) crabs, some live sand and a decent amount of live rock? Thanks.
  19. 400galloncharlie

    Psycho Damsels

    I cycled one of my tanks with a blue damsel, which grew fairly large. I added a niger trigger, porc. puffer and snowflake eel after a while. The damsel made it for a long a while (I only kept him there because I thought he was thriving and seemed to be in no danger), but then one day the...
  20. 400galloncharlie

    what now

    I think you've killed enough fish. Sell the eel and switch to freshwater.