Cleaning Live Sand

Hello all. I've made a few posts and some of you may know by now that I've gotten back into the hobby after a few years away. My old tanks used to have crushed coral, which I used to clean in connection with water changes by using one of the modified siphon tools that was wider at the bottom so heavier material (such as the crushed coral) would not get siphoned out of the tank. My question is, is there any reason I should not do this on occassion with my live sand? My cycle is well beyond cycled and I am ready to add a fish to my crabs, snails and live rock, but, before I do, I want to clean off (using the siphon) some of the hair algae that had accumulated during the cycle (the hair algae isn't really growing anymore, it's just there and looks bad). Thanks.


New Member
most reef tanks do not need to be siphonded out
the blue legged and red legged crabs will eat that algae in a day. consider getting a cucumber to eat detritis.
P.S. I cannot spell sorry!
Thanks Sammy for answering the question. It's an average of two inches deep (it's pretty flat, but not completely). I would like to get rid of any phosphate build-up now, but, based on your advice (and subject to any response based on the sand depth I've noted), I'll probably just use a net to skim the algae off. Thanks!

nm reef

Active Member
400galloncharlie...DO NOT tell sammy I said this 'cause he tends to be a regular hellion when crossed(just jokin') <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />
But Personally I would not syphon the sand bed itself. There are critters in there that add to the diversity of the system. I'd be concerned about disrupting the sand bed! But...I have used a syphon to clean what you are one point I had some hair algae as well as some cyano taking hold on the surface of my sand bed. What I did was this: When I did a water change as I removed the water I used the rake end of one of those long sponge pad glass cleaning tools to lightly stir/remove the algae / it seperated from the surface of the sand bed I syphoned it right up. Did this twice and never needed to again. Granted my sand bed is much deeper than yours(5"-6"...but still I would not suggest that you syphon the sand itself.) Now don't ever forget...DO NOT tell sammystingray that I even considered contradicting him!!! He is a angry...mean...wicked White shark that munches us smaller sharks at every opportunity..... :D
By the way......any pun directed towards sammystingray WAS intended....and was in no way meant to be taken seriously....... <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
That's a great idea NM Reef--to gently loosen the algae so you don't need to suck up much, if any sand. I won't tell Sammy that you gave me the advice. Thanks again.


Active Member
Just to hitchhike on NM Reef. As necessity is the mother of invention, when I had algea, especially cyano growing on my sand I fashioned a rake using a plastic fork tie-wrapped to a wooden dowel. I'd just move the fork across the sand and all the algea stuck to it. Pulled it out of the water and threw it away.
It worked for me!
Good Luck!


Those are good ideas.
But just to add my two cents to the original question, I don't see a problem with siphoning the trouble spots you mentioned. Just don't get crazy and do the whole bed. The key is what sammy mentioned, pinch the hose on the siphon to regulate the outflow. Or put your thumb over the end. That way you can prevent sucking the sand and some big critters out.
This is really good with debris which could be feeding the algae a bit, but it ain't so good with the algae sometimes. Some algaes are pretty heavy and won't suck out too easily. Give it a shot if you want.
If you just do a few spots here and there you are not going to harm your sandbed. People are pretty paranoid about that. A tall siphon makes it easier too.

nm reef

Active Member
Kewl....glad to hear ya got the help ya was looking for.....'cept I lost a leg and part of my arm for contradicting da boss!!!!!!! <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />