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  1. seankotch

    ? for NM Reef

    Hey NM Reef, do you live in or make to ABQ much? I'm going to be TDY to Kirtland next month and thought I'd cruise the LFS's. Any advice to give? Sean
  2. seankotch

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    Do Not eat the yellow snow (tastes worse than the siphon hose). Do Not take any wooden nickels (pocket full-o-change can leave some nasty splinters). Do Not let your SO move your tank while you're in a foreign land. Especially if that tank ends up next to a sofa where a 3 yr old can feed the...
  3. seankotch

    short TDY= DEATH!

    Hey sorry it took so long to post a reply, but I've been way TOO busy. I really didn't have my roomate doing much other than lite feeding and top off water. My instructions for both were pretty specific. As to the quetsion if I ever went to Jim's LFS: sure do. After my old lady left me I started...
  4. seankotch

    short TDY= DEATH!

    Well, I just returned from a short school at Lackland AFB only to find mass devastation in my aquarium. I left pretty detailed instructions for my roommate to follow, but obviously something went horribly wrong. All I'm left with is a few discosoma and a maroon clown (whom I absolutely detest)...
  5. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    Thanks to all for the inputs. Has anyone had any experience keeping a set up of this nature for any length of time? I was wondering if using Heteroxenia and Cespitularia (if I could locate any) would have the same results as the Red Sea variety? I'm just guessing that a diverse group of...
  6. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    Hey Broncofish, I'm getting pretty intrigued by this idea. Do you happen to know where Bang Guy got his info? I'm pretty keen to do some research of my own. Also, I was wondering if you keep several types of xenia to guard against a massive meltdown of a single type? Again, thanks to all for...
  7. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    Leigh, I'm tracking on removing caulerpa to provide true export of nitrogenous waste products. Could I not due the same with xenia? Wouldn't trading off frags of xenia accomplish the same thing in essence?
  8. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    I was wondering the same thing as well: if a heavy growth of caulerpa would hamper the growth of xenia due to low nitrate levels? Any thoughts?
  9. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    I already have a few smallish growths of caulerpa in the main dislplay. I was thinking about removing them and replacing with xenia. That is if xenia has been shown to utilize phosphates. Thanx for the welcome and the help.
  10. seankotch

    xenia for nutrient export?

    Hello all. I'm excessively new to BBS and fairly new to reef keeping. I do, however, have a basic understanding of the latter. I was wondering if anyone has a good source of data in regards to using xenia for nutrient export. I'm particularly interested in a comparison between xenia and various...